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A Life Of Open Wounds -- Chapter 3



==3. Embargo==


==Metru-Nui, Present Day==


"Of all the songs to playsing, Sailaye..." Matau chuckled, "You had to choose-sing that one."


Sailaye had his trademark wry grin on his Ruru-wearing face. "Can you blame me? I really liked that song."


Matau laughed. "It's no deepmystery to me, Sailaye. You wrote that one."


Chuckling at Matau's remark, Sailaye put away his instrument and wandered over to the apartment's kitchen to prepare something to drink. The Turaga of Air hummed another tune while Sailaye got out the glasses, poured the drinks, and then walked back to the living area of the apartment.


"So, what has prompted you from your duties as a Turaga to stop by my place, Matau?" Sailaye asked his old friend, handing Matau some fresh fruit juice.


There was a pensive pause as Matau took a long sip of the fresh juice. When Matau set his glass down to the coffee table, his usually ceaseless smile was no longer there on his aged face. "Sailaye," the Turaga of Air confessed, "I need to talk gravegrim business with you... It's about your upcoming court-trial..."


With a nod, the now pensive Sailaye also set his glass on the table and sat down with a sigh. "So... this isn't a social visit after all."


Apparently ashamed, Matau nodded. "The Turaga Council sent me, because they know my life-past with you." Matau sighed a bit himself and fiddled his fingers with his staff, "So, to be honest, air-brother, I had wished in all truth-honor that this really was a social visit. ... Sailaye... You know it is a truth-fact that you aren't the most honor-worthy Matoran, and the others in the Turaga Council are under much stress-demand from the other Matoran to force justice upon you."


"And you're -- the other Turaga -- are worried I might be in grave danger because of the pressure from the other Matoran?" Sailaye asked, slightly incredulous.


Matau paused, then replied, "The short answer is 'yes'."


Sailaye started to chuckle and sat back in his chair.


"Tree-brother, you know that this grave-matter isn't funny." Matau scolded.

"Hehe. I know."

"Then why in Mata-Nui's name you think this is a joke-matter?!"


The black Le-Matoran picked up his glass and drank up the rest of his juice, then turned the empty glass in his hands in thought. "Heh... It doesn't make sense." Sailaye replied, a tone of suspicion in his voice. "I can understand why you would be concerned for me, Matau... but the other Turaga? I'm a criminal, and they have all the evidence they need to bring down the hammer on me. Why would they be worried?"


"You are Matoran, Sailaye. It has been our duty as both Toa-heroes and Turaga-elders to protect you." Matau sighed, "We fear that the more zeal-hungry of your Matoran-brothers will hand out punishment they feel is more fitting of the crimes you committed on Mata-Nui before the court-trial even begins." The Turaga of Air lowered his and shook his head. "And you know there are those among the Matoran who feel that punishment should be death."


"Most of them are just idle threats." Sailaye answered, his calm making him seem like he didn't care. "Threats that will not be acted upon, and they hope their threats will chase me out of the city." He looked Matau in the eye, "I'm not going to give them that satisfaction."


Matau tried his best not to get flabbergasted. It was obvious in Matau's facial expression that he would have felt better if Sailaye would run. At the least, Sailaye would not have to face death.


"And what of the Matoran that are not just making false-threats?" Matau asked, "What if they do what they say?"


There was a pause. Sailaye had a look of frustrated disbelief on his face, a bitter chuckle in his throat.


"You shouldn't worry about such details, Matau... The things I face today are nothing new to me."




==Metru-Nui, more than 1,000 years before present day==


A few months had passed since 'Skyline's last concert, and a few weeks had passed since the emergence of the Toa Metru. Matau had shed his Matoran body and became one of the Toa-heroes he had adored for ages, and his friends, the band formerly known as 'Skyline', watched for his exploits while they hid from public view.


By now, the former band members had returned to their old jobs and did their best to lead normal lives in the state of Martial Law Metru-Nui was under. Most of them managed to, at least...


Running through the back alleys of Ta-Metru was a Black Matoran, carrying a package of contraband in his arms, running past a 'WANTED' sign for a contrabandist known only as 'StealthShade'. In hot pursuit of the smuggler was a Vahki Nuurakh, its staves charged to glowing, determined to capture the smuggler.


With trade routes in and out of Metru-Nui locked in an embargo during this period of Martial Law, Matoran Rebels were looking to other, less legal sources of acquisition to either make a profit, or stockpile weapons. As a result, the Metru-Nui Black Market boomed, and its ability to thrive rested on the shoulders of the brave Matoran blockade runners willing to deliver the goods.


The smuggler made it to the shores leading to Ga-Metru and dove into the water. Flustered, the red Vahki flew around over the surface, waiting for the smuggler to break surface and come up for air. After a few hours, though, the flustered Nuurakh decided to stand down and returned to its patrols.


Deep below the surface of the water, the smuggler had taken refuge in an underwater cavern that was once part of the Archives of Onu-Metru. There, with black paint dripping off his olive green frame, the smuggler handed the package off to a Ga-Matoran rebel and the two Matoran vanished into the catacombs.




Sailaye came home late that night from a long day at work, and headed straight for the shower. He was still an Artisan, but construction jobs were starting to get hard to come by outside of Po-Metru, so he took up work as an on-call transport chute repairman. While the widgets per hour were good, Sailaye honestly hated the job. It was basically a never ending task, and with all the commotion surrounding the new Toa, Sailaye was often kept busy with all the major repair work.


He climbed out of the shower and dried off, and then sat down to watch the latest Akilini match on his vidscreen. There was a knock on Sailaye's door halfway through the third quarter, and with a sigh, Sailaye got up and opened the door. Greeting him at the door was Tauan, Daoeng, Kalile, and Darhazu. They had also just gotten off of work, and wanted to watch the Akilini match, too. Glad for the company (and the food they brought along), Sailaye invited his old friends into his apartment and they all climbed onto the couch to watch the game.


It was close to the end of the fourth quarter when Sailaye's communicator started to ring. With a groan, Sailaye excused himself and went to answer the call. He came back into the room a little frazzled at the news he had gotten over the communicator, just as the Po-Metru team won and the nightly news came on the air. Ignoring the investigation on black market goods that had gotten Tauan's, Daoeng's, and Darhazu's attentions, Kalile asked Sailaye what was wrong. Visibly exasperated, Sailaye explained to Kalile that, because of the on-call nature of his repairman job, he had another bit of business to do in Ga-Metru early in the morning.


Overhearing Sailaye's complaint, Tauan was conveniently the first to notice that it was getting rather late, and with all five of them having work in the daylight hours, they agreed to say their goodnights and go home. As Tauan and Daoeng headed to their apartment, Darhazu offered to escort Kalile back to Ga-Metru safely. Kalile, sensing that Sailaye was holding back on something, gave Sailaye a very concerned look... which was misinterpreted by Sailaye as 'Are you sure you're okay with this?'


"It'll be fine." Sailaye assured his Ga-Matoran friend, "At least you'll be safe."




"... It's a merciless world out there, now."




Beside him was an empty can of black paint, a tool belt that carried both tools and contraband throwing weapons, and a torn up 'WANTED' sign. He was the notorious smuggler known as 'StealthShade', and for a while, he watched several Le-Matoran work on a broken section of chute in Ga-Metru. Today was going to storm, and he could see in the clouds looming over the morning sky... The storm would be an issue, but he had been in this business long enough to know how to work around these things. Provided, that is, if luck was on his side today...


"Did you bring the goods, Huari?" StealthShade spoke harshly to the purple-on-black Kakama-wearing Onu-Matoran that appeared behind him. The totally-jet black Matoran 'rumrunner' slid his prized replica of one of Matau's AeroSlicers into a sheath held in place on his back with a chain bandolier. The replica weapon was a gift from the Toa themselves, proof that StealthShade was there to witness their ascension into Toa-hood.


Huari held up the package; he seemed utterly terrified, but it wasn't because of the weapon StealthShade carried. Rather, StealthShade could almost smell that Huari had a run-in with a Vahki Rorzakh. Realizing how close he was getting to having his cover blown, StealthShade quickly brandished his AeroSlicer and ordered Huari to drop the package and run. When Huari hesitated, StealthShade kicked the can of black paint at Huari, coating Huari and disposing of the can. The master smuggler then snatched the package up and made a run for Po-Metru.


With Huari literally coated with evidence, StealthShade made a run for the Ga-Metru Aqueducts, knowing that the paint would only confuse the Vahki for so long. Sure enough, it wasn't long before StealthShade's escape caught the attention of the local Bordakh squads, and the regional Vahki were soon on high alert, actively seeking out the Matoran contraband runner. Some of the Bordakh even zapped a few Ga-Matoran with their Loyalty-Staves to help the squads in their search for the notorious smuggler.


StealthShade ducked into one of the catacombs he typically used to escape the Bordakh, only to find that Rorzakh squads had taken up residence in there once again. Worse, when he surfaced, it was starting to rain ever so slightly. He needed to get to Po-Metru and fast, or things would get mighty worse.


"Halt!" a Ga-Matoran yelled, "Vahki! There he is!"


StealthShade spat out a Matoran invective and made a mad dash though the drizzle as a squad of four Vahki and a few zealous Ga-Matoran chased after him. Needing a distraction, StealthShade pleaded to Mata-Nui for some sort of miracle and kept on running, knowing that the black paint he was using wouldn't last much longer in the damp weather he was fleeing in. As if by instinct, StealthShade whipped out his replica AeroSlicer and took a blind swing at his pursuers, not realizing that he had created a thick mist that obstructed the view of the zealous Ga-Matoran and caught the Vahki off-guard. StealthShade, also a little shocked at the sudden appearance of the mist, took advantage of this distraction and into a nearby alley.


The mist StealthShade summoned vanished in the rain, and the Bordakh squad spread out to locate their quarry. One Bordakh walked into the alley StealthShade ducked into and found nothing at first glance. It then heard a loud clank from one of the large waste disposal bins and, out of caution, went to investigate. Using the tip of its staff, the Bordakh flipped open the lid of the waste disposal bin and looked inside... Only to find the usual pile of rubbish all trash bins had.


Tick. Ticktick. Tickticktick.


Curious about the sound, the Bordakh jabbed the rubbish in the bin with its staff, only to get a major gush of a black, viscous fluid in the optical sensors, followed by a shout from above and a sharp object skewering its head.


StealthShade had set up the oil trap and literally got the jump on that Vahki, but his antics caught the attention of the other three Bordakh. With the rain coming down harder, StealthShade yanked his Aero-replica Slicer out of the Vahki's head and wall jumped up to the Ga-Metru rooftops. As expected, the Bordakh took to flight mode and followed StealthShade up... and he was ready for them. He swung his Aero-Slicer at the Bordakh, slicing off the head of one of the Vahki and splitting up the other two.


At that moment, StealthShade noticed that the gravel that covered this particular rooftop reacted a little to the movement of his replica blade. Though it was very unlikely, StealthShade was beginning to think that some power was left in the blade after the Toa Metru formed it... just as he saw the blade reflect the image of a Bordakh right behind StealthShade, poised to zap him with its Loyalty staves. Reacting by instinct, something clicked on in StealthShade and he took a swing at the Vahki, slicing its staves off. Two more swings of the blade pelted the machine with flying pebbles, leaving a dented husk of a Bordakh on the ground.


The final Vahki flew at StealthShade at high speed, only to have the blade-wielding smuggler leap onto its back with a wily grin on his Ruru-wearing face. Seeing an opportunity, the Bordakh flew high into the air to trap its quarry, twisted its head around to get a good look at its prey, and raised a Loyalty staff to zap StealthShade... only to get the AeroSlicer jammed into its face.


StealthShade braced himself for a hard fall when he noticed that the Vahki that he had just jammed his Slicer into was still floating. Giving his jammed in weapon a hefty twist, SteathShade also discovered that he could control the skewered Vahki's flight pattern. Stopping only to retrieve the package he was to deliver, StealthShade flew through the storm and the clouds to hide from any other Vahki, and flew straight to Po-Metru.




A shifty looking Po-Matoran approached the abandoned and secluded collapsed Archive Loading Station, adjusting his Ruru as he entered the tunnel that led into an expanse of abandoned catacombs beneath Po-Metru. The half-collapsed catacombs of the Loading Station, and other sections of underground tunnels like it, were devoid of life and much anything else since the catacombs were too unstable to remain suitable workplaces--not to mention some dangerous creatures had since decided to take up residence in these abandoned sectors. Of course, these particular traits made the catacombs ideal for smugglers and their illegal trade.


“You're late.” a disgruntled voice echoed in the cave.


“Well excuuuse me for trying -not- to get the attention of the Zadakh on my way here.” the Po-Matoran replied tersely, walking deeper into the catacombs. “I assume you managed to get the goods?”




The Po-Matoran racketeer held up a fat pouch of widgets. "I'm ready to make the trade."


"Leave the widgets on the ground and I'll toss you the package." the voice commanded.


A sharp laugh answered the command. "Sorry, buck-o. Face-to-face transactions only."


Next thing the Po-Matoran knew was he was in a headlock and a rather sharp replica of a Toa weapon was edging up to the skin of his throat.


"I've had a reeeaaaly bad day, 'pal'," the voice growled in the Po-Matoran's ear, "And the last thing I need today is a 'face-to-face transaction'... Besides..." the Aeroslicer edged closer to throat-slitting range, "It'd be very bad for our business if someone got killed, ay?"


The Po-Matoran, thoroughly caught off guard and close to panicking, gulped loudly and nodded in desperate agreement.


"Now... I'll ask again. Leave the money on the ground." the headlock on the Po-Matoran tightened into a chokehold, "Please."


"*gag* *gasp* H... H...Okaaay. "gag* H... Here!" The sound of a pouch filled with widgets hit the ground with a welcome 'chink'.


The headlock loosened as a heavy thud of a dropped package was heard.


"Transaction complete." the voice growled, "Thank you for your business."




The Po-Matoran was given a hefty whack to the head with the hilt of the AeroSlicer and shoved to the catacombs floor. A minute later, the dazed Po-Matoran racketeer got up to see the package right next to him, replacing the fat bag of widgets he dropped. Quickly, the racketeer checked the contents of the package to make sure that the smuggler didn't hoodwink him... but to his amazement, not one thing he ordered was missing from the package.


"Look." the voice growled again, echoing in the catacombs, "I may be heavy-handed in my approach, but I'm an honest smuggler. It wouldn't be good for business if I were not. After all, we both got what we wanted. Now... get the Karzahni outta here before I decide to go Zyglak on your rear fender."


Rubbing his neck and throat recalling the ordeal, the Po-Matoran was inclined to agree with the smuggler. Without another argument, the Po-Matoran racketeer snatched up his package and ran out into the Po-Metru daylight.




The sun was setting.


In Po-Metru, Vahki were zooming around, looking in the abandoned places of the Metru and investigating suspicious activity that was reported earlier in the day. In the shadows, hiding in the shade of a huge Kikanalo sleeping in the ruins of an assembly field, a Matoran with mud and black paint flaking off his naturally olive-green frame sat with his black fingers rifling through the pouch of widgets he had acquisitioned on the job, making sure none of the currency was counterfeit. In any Black Market business, one must be wary of swindlers...


I know that... but... you're... hiding...


It's not ... not what you think...


But figuring out if his pay was counterfeit or not was only in the back of StealthShade's mind. His conscious thoughts, rather, were on the conversation he had with an important friend the night before.




We need more heroes, Kalile. The people need more than just Toa to inspire them...


... You? A hero? By breaking the law?


The law is a mockery of itself now. Our 'honorable' Turaga is a dictator. There has to be some freedom left in Metru-Nui, and I'll risk everything to find it.


Everything, Sailaye? ... even your friendships?


What are you talking about? I'm doing this for you, Kalile... for our gang...


Are you? ... or are you doing this for yourself, Sailaye? What -we- did together as 'Skyline' was heroic.




... Now, you're just a crook and a thug... You're on your own, Sailaye.






Sailaye sighed and looked up to the twin moons, wondering if his path as a Black Market contrabandist was a wise path to walk. Stirring the hearts of the Matoran into inspiration was something that Sailaye sorely missed since 'Skyline' disbanded, and he hoped smuggling precious commodities back into Metru-Nui would do the same thing for the people. He didn't even keep the money himself; the widgets he earned smuggling was given away to the struggling and destute of the city.


But, Kalile's words did have stinging truth to them. While his cause was noble at first, but he noticed how hardnosed he was becoming...


Am I really only deluding myself into thinking I'm doing everyone a favor being an outlaw? Sailaye thought, rubbing off as much of the flaking black paint as he could, then he put his widgets in a pocket on his utility belt.


Revolution for revolution's sake only brings chaos. a voice in the back of Sailaye's mind warned, Change cannot be established alone... Not like this.


"But I have to start somewhere." Sailaye muttered, patting his Kikanalo friend. "Wake up, Irok. I need to go home."


The huge Kikanalo groggily stood up and yawned as Sailaye climbed up and onto the rhino-like Rahi's back. After waiting for Sailaye to have gotten a firm grip, Irok smelled the air, and began bounding southward to Le-Metru.


Reason or not, I'm still an outlaw. Sailaye's expression darkened as he rode off into the night. Barring some sort of a miracle or disaster, the life of an outlaw is my path. I'm sorry, Kalile... My mind is set...



<<-Previous-Chapter 2 = Chapter 3 = Next-TBA->>


((ALOW:LL is written in collaboration with Ancient Mirrors as a story aid and prequel.))


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