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Question About Armageddon...



Hypothetically speaking, if you knew someone in charge of picking and choosing who continues on and who doesn't during the end of times, and the passage through to "life" was almost as small as the time you had to squeeze people through...


...would you be mad at them for picking only the BEST people in the world, not allowing possibly you or your loved ones through?


Or would you pity them and try to not slow down their already hard job?


(Worse yet, would you be trying to harm them, if you were given the chance?)


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Hypothetically speaking, if you knew someone in charge of picking and choosing who continues on and who doesn't during the end of times, and the passage through to "life" was almost as small as the time you had to squeeze people through...


...would you be mad at them for picking only the BEST people in the world, not allowing possibly you or your loved ones through?


Or would you pity them and try to not slow down their already hard job?


(Worse yet, would you be trying to harm them, if you were given the chance?)

Hypothetically speaking, I'd say the whole scenario stinks and you'd be better off creating your own. :psychotwitch:


There are some who, through reason and logic, have found that the population of humanity on Earth has indeed already exceeded the planet's long-term carrying capacity. There are those who speak of "feeders and breeders" or "useless mouths" in connection with the vast majority of us here. There are a countless agendas being carried out at various levels of society with the intent to influence the fate of mankind. With what I've gathered in my own personal quest to understand where we're at, I know that it all boils down to a choice we must each make as individuals: do we want to be ruled by fear and see everything as a struggle, or do we recognize the infinite power that lies within us -- the power of love -- and begin to be the change we want to see?


Now, I know our world is in a state of ever-accelerating change. It's clear to me that the old institutions of society are either crumbling or being forced to adapt to revolutionary new realities. Our world seems to be spiraling deeper and deeper into chaos. It's possible that certain powerful elements of society may be attempting to engineer the outcome into an order of their dark imagining, but I am confident that such plans are doomed to failure. Why? Because chaos is inherently uncontrollable and unpredictable. If you've read about chaos theory, you know that a complex system, pushed to the limit of stability and beyond, spontaneously re-organizes itself into a higher level of order. It's a law of nature. Nobody can predict what that new order will be. And the really neat thing about it is that, at the exact instant the system begins to shift, the new order arranges itself around individual elements within the system that act as catalysts for the shift. (This has been observed under scientific conditions. The classic example is a growing sand pile, like in an hourglass, where the shift is an avalanche.)


In your hypothetical scenario, assuming that you are in the situation you've described... yeah. Things look bad. But I wouldn't count on events playing out according the script layed out by any group or individual, including whoever's involved in the pickin' and choosin' deal. The world is just too complex. Regardless of how deep you were into this thing, I'd say there's always another way. You always have a choice. If you don't like the script, rewrite it yourself! That's how powerful you really are. If you're stuck in a game where the rules are set up to make you lose, why keep playing? Set up a new game, with new rules.


There's no point in getting mad. There's no point in doing nothing. And as far as hurting anybody... well, that's some serious karma. Wouldn't want to see you take any of those paths. Hypothetically. Don't limit your options. Look around you, inquire... and go within yourself for the answers.


That's all. Thank you.



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Nobody can predict what that new order will be.

What if, hypothetically speaking, the new order or place already exists somewhere and everything's way too far past the changing stage here? What if the scenario is as I'm saying, truly that black and white for a person?


Of course any sane person would be trying to change their attitude to a more lackadaisical, open to opportunity kind of mindset, on the rare chance that might alter the rules of what they've been charged with, but what if it still went on as said?


There's an ugly truth in the universe... sometimes you care and or do everything 100% right and still lose.

: /


Initial question still stands.

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Does this have anything to do with, um, underground places? And what about above-ground places with barbed wire and stuff, does that figure in too? Hypothetically, I mean.


Another reason such a thing as you describe might come to naught is that any plan is based on a number of assumptions. I don't care how many back-ups to the fail-safes to the back-ups to the contingencies you have, you're always basing it on certain assumptions. And I'm sorry, but no set of assumptions is ever gonna be a total spot-on model of reality. We all have our blind spots, even the wisest, cleverest, and most powerful people. And people whose model of reality is based on fear and/or control are missing an essential piece of the puzzle. All it takes is something big enough to come up out of that realm you're not seeing, and the whole house of cards comes down. End of story. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. You lose. Or they lose, rather. :)


I'm not saying you should deny the reality you see and delude yourself into a false hope. No, no, no, no, no. But I think -- and this is just me -- I think if you really, seriously go to the place where answers come from, the part of you that's connected to spirit, and just ask for guidance, you'll get it. There are those messengers who say everything in our lives has been created by us, by our beliefs and our choices along the way. There's a level of truth to that. It just doesn't seem that way sometimes, seems like we've been put into an impossible position that we never asked for, never deserved. Bad things do happen to good people. In this hypothetical scenario, you and your loved ones could certainly be among the "doomed." And if so, then what? Does God hate you, is that it? No! Those souls who departed through an act of terror on September the 11th, 2001, they didn't get hit because they deserved it. There was a higher mandate there, and they were part of fulfilling it. I don't mean the mandate of whoever was behind the attacks -- I mean something on a much higher level, a soul level.


OK, I know the talk of God and soul is probably turning you off. Never mind that, that's just me working my own head around this. I don't know what it would take to turn you from the mindset of, "This is what's going to go down and I can't do anything about it," to, "Hey, I'm in charge of my reality and I say No," and I'm not the person to do it, either. Far be it from me standing all the way over here to judge you standing all the way over there. No amount of preaching can change a person; the change must come from within, if it is to come at all. Now, I'm constantly assuming you'd like to change the scenario itself, which is why I get into the "change from within" bit. But let's say for the sake of argument that this is what's happening, and there really isn't anything you can do about it. Fine. That's something you've got to accept, then. Just do what you can, right?


Do what you can. That's it. What can you do?


While you may not have control over external events, you do, always and absolutely, have control over yourself. You ARE you, so how could anyone else control you? Unless you let them. Yeah, unless we're talking heavy-duty mind control, at least your consciousness is your own. And that's where it all starts!


I could go on about forgiveness and love and presence and the law of attraction and so forth, but I'll stop here for now. This is pretty heavy stuff for a hypothetical scenario. :P



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Yes, the future's changed before. There are some things really not going to change one bit though,


In this... eh... hypothetical question, I was just trying to gauge how people would react... whether they'd be able to come to terms with what was going on and selflessly just let as many other people in by not causing trouble.

Like you said though, this is probably a bit too deep a question for most without any previous thought on such things.


Oh well, thanks anyways.

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BCii, this isn't the place to spread what you're trying to.


Knock it off.

Yes, sir. No more of that. I gotcha.



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Hypothetically speaking, would you help them? If ya did it out of kindness you might get in!

Well, the correct perspective on that question is more like you'd be helping people out of a car wreck, one by one, knowing that eventually the car's going to explode, probably taking you with it.

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