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First Day Of School



This year is gonna rock!


I already know two of my teachers, my Latin teacher and my Physics teacher. I sorta know a third teacher, and he's pretty darn cool; I've got him for BOTH Comp Sci AND Stat, which I have first and third period, respectively, on B-Days. My English teacher also seems fun, and I got the reading list... and there's Vonnegut and more Phillip K. Dick and Orwell... and like, this is the only reading list EVER that I've been able to mark off books that I've already read, namely 1984 and Animal Farm, it's only by chance that I haven't read the Vonnegut stuff listed, although I read an excerpt from... "H... um... "H... what was it again? The one about the dude and the handicapping and the title was his name and his initials were "HD" or something or maybe I'm thinking of Harvey Dent by accident but I know his first name began with H and it was a Vonnegut short story and... blah whatever. Like, this is stuff I'd read FOR FUN. No more boring classical stuffs!


And walking into Latin class! It was like walking into a club! I mean, we've literally been together since middle school, all of us, and the people who were in the other class I knew from Latin Club, and it's good ol' Mr. P at the chalkboard again, telling everyone a wacky story about the AP workshop he went to, I mean, we're a pretty close-knit class. There's only, like, ten of us.


Comp Sci... haha, ohhh man we're in the same room as last year and the four of us in the corner just ended up sitting in the EXACT SAME SEATS at the exact same computers... it's like last year all over again! We all knew each other already and well, my only regret is I can no longer make fun of them for being Freshmen. "Haha, Sophomores!" just doesn't have the same ring to it, ne? Ah well. Gonna be loads of fun.


I basically know most of the people in Physics too. As mentioned, I already know the teacher too, from Science League. He's pretty awesome. Heh, I was sitting on the bus on the way home when it occurred to me that I only have one female teacher this year, for Global Studies. I'm one of only three seniors in that Global class (it's a graduation requirement, alas, so when I decided to take AP Psych junior year I basically guaranteed I'd be taking Global this year) but ironically enough, I recognized two of the juniors but none of the seniors. The two juniors were sophomores in my Chem class last year, another class where everyone knew everyone else, and it must have just been a consequence of meeting every day because it didn't feel like we did a ton of group work.


Oh, my friend's brother's gonna be entering High School this year! I'm gonna hafta find him and make fun of him!


Gosh, it really still hasn't fully sunk in yet... I'm a Senior. That's a SCARY THOUGHT.


Oh, the stupid school budget. All the rooms get projectors and new computers for the teachers... yet they cut a bunch of AP courses, we have to PAY FOR OUR OWN AP TESTS and they cost @*&^!! eighty bucks a test (and I'm taking four of them!) and, get this: we don't get agendas! We don't get planners! What the heck? Every day on the first day of school since I entered FIRST GRADE we've been given a lil' school planner. Now if we want one, we gotta shell out five bucks at the School Store! How messed up is that!?


OH YEAH I GET A-LUNCH BOTH DAYS THIS YEAR HECKYES. First lunch block! Now I won't have to starve through third period!


OH YEAH they also changed the bus route! Not only does the bus stop RIGHT IN FRONT of the house next door, so I don't have to cross two streets and walk all the way to the intersection anymore, but we're the first stop, so I don't have to struggle to find a seat, and since the bus only goes around our development, it doesn't mean giving up like, twenty minutes of sleep or something; only five or ten.


Well, it seems that senior year is gonna make itself (relatively) easy for me. Which is good. 'Cause I've gotta apply to college in the meantime.




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Sounds like much fun indeed! I like that feeling, since half of my classes are tight-knit groups already because we've been with each other all of high school... And yes, the feeling of being a senior hasn't really sunk in yet. There are all these people I don't know in the Freshman and Sophomore classes, and now there's no one above us running clubs and things...


Harrison Bergeron? An odd one, that was...


What all APs are you taking? Latin I know, but I don't know which of the others you mentioned are AP or not...

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Stat, Comp Sci, Latin, and Physics C are my four APs this year.


Harrison Bergeron! That was it! They had an excerpt from that on an SAT practice test and I remember thinking "This reminds me of The Sirens of Titan."

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Handycapping? As in, the act of making someone handycapped?



You've never heard of it in the context of, like, a sport or something? It can mean to deliberately try to compensate for one competitor's advantage by giving them a disadvantage that's judged to be equal to their advantage. It's kinda like if you're playing against someone really really good but it's just for fun, they might say "Okay, I'll only use one hand then, to give you a fair chance," or something like that. That's handicapping.


In this context it's a concept that Vonnegut invented by which all people really ARE made equal. People who are stronger than average carry around weights to compensate for their strength, people with better eyesight wear blurry glasses, people who are smarter... uh, dunno, maybe they have to read upside-down or something, but you get the general idea. This was a concept he used, to a lesser extent, in The Sirens of Titan, but apparently "Harrison Bergeron" centers around this idea.

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And this is why I hate my brain. It might have something to do with me being dyslexic, but I doubt it.


Also, my school term ends in three weeks.


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