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Bowl Of Crazy!





Entry 59




Wow, I'm beat, which is the reason why I haven't posted an entry lately. Sorry about thats.


Let's see what happened this week, hmm... OH YES The Hollywood Bowl, how could I forget that? :rolleyes:


Yes, Saturday night my dad and I along Kotahn and his dad, went over to the Hollywood bowl to see the "Legendary" John Williams. It was insane. We got there after taking the windy subway which was an interesting fun experience. Ludicrous speed! (Kotahn should get thats joke ^^. )


We got off the station about a mile away from the hollywood bowl and walked the rest of the way there. City street atmosphere is always, Interesting. Many pedestrians, street performers, and various cars driving and beeping all around. We got the to bowl and headed inside, or well actually outside but in to the gates. >< we walked up this hill in to the audience and found our seats, Section L2, Row 9, seat 111 ( the card is tacked to my bulletin board, no I did not memorize that XD )


We got our seats and ate the delicious Subway we brought. Me and Kotahn discussed various things, school, music, etc. When we were done it began with the National Anthem. That was funny because in the music aound "Oh say does that Star Spangled..." there is a rit. in that section which means the conductor slows the tempo down then accel. (speed up) towards the end of the verse, well about 75% of the audience didn't know that so you start hearing echos, people who actually know that it slows down and the rest that have no idea whats going on. ^^ It was funny.


After that he began with Buglers Dream/ Olympic Fanfare. Which had a montage of the past olympics (excluding Beijing). That was really cool, then he went through the classics, and my personal favorite of the day, Two songs from the Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. "The adventures of Mutt" and "Irini's Theme" Very cool. Then he played some singing in the rain and other old classic songs. and then ended with the five encore's he does every year which includes. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Superman. It was very disappointing not to hear any of his Harry Potter work this year. Oh well maybe next year.


That was Saturday.


Sunday- I worked on my World History and Algebra II project.


Monday- Labor Day, I cleaned the entire house and felt like Cinderella ( all I needed was pudgy and skinny mouse and I would have been set XD )


Tuesday- Boring. don't remember


Wednesday- Homework.


Today- Relaxed. We have no band practice today, the schedule got changed for practice times and no I'm mad.


I wanted to do Mock Trial this semester ( Courtroom Artist ) practices for that would have been Monday's and Wednesday's, Fine. I can fit that in with marching band, I would most of Monday practices due to marching, but make them up during Wednesday's. Not anymore no I have to drop the idea of me joining this year because now I have practice's Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. GRRRR! >< Now no more Mock Trial, and no more Thermal Thursday in marching band =(


Sigh...I digress.


Good news is I think my art was shown at Brickfair because I got it returned and it looked used. I wish I had a definite answer though...


I'm tired I've been falling asleep everywhere in the hose this week randomly. ><


Oh wait no, I have a Bio test to study for now...


GRRR! ><








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