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Mp3 Player Volume



My MP3 player has 30 volume levels. Here's how I use them.



1 -

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 -

6 - normal listening

7 -

8 - car ride, quiet road

9 -

10 -

11 - car ride, normal road

12 -

13 - car ride, noisy road

14 -

15 -

16 -

17 - school bus

18 -

19 -


29 -

30 - I wonder what this will do to my eardrums? (used only once. Ever)




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My MP3 player is too loud at it's lowest level.


What kind of player is it?


Also, Max volume equals pain.



Eh, I really don't know. It's some small cheap thing from China that's probably worth about 10 USD. Didn't even buy it; my aunt gave it to me when we went to visit. It's got pretty small storage, I think at most I could fit fifty songs on it... but I don't have a very extensive library anyway, so... it works well enough for me.


Honestly, when the original earbuds broke, the new ones my parents bought me probably cost more than the player itself would have. They come in this convenient little carrying case where you just spin this thingy around and it winds up all the wire to prevent it from getting tangled.

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They come in this convenient little carrying case where you just spin this thingy around and it winds up all the wire to prevent it from getting tangled.

I got those, too, but I never use them. They get the wire unstraightened.


Also, in the summer, I listened to my music at very low volume, but ever since school started I listen to it at around a bit less than half the max volume, and on a school bus around 3/4 of max volume.

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About 10 for me; 3 for backing tracks, 5 for listening, 7 for drowning out people or on low-volume songs, 10 for using my headphones as mini-speakers(Not recommended; that killed my last pair).

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My MP3 player is too loud at it's lowest level.


What kind of player is it?


Also, Max volume equals pain.



Eh, I really don't know. It's some small cheap thing from China that's probably worth about 10 USD. Didn't even buy it; my aunt gave it to me when we went to visit. It's got pretty small storage, I think at most I could fit fifty songs on it... but I don't have a very extensive library anyway, so... it works well enough for me.


Honestly, when the original earbuds broke, the new ones my parents bought me probably cost more than the player itself would have. They come in this convenient little carrying case where you just spin this thingy around and it winds up all the wire to prevent it from getting tangled.

I had a friend who hand earbuds like those, and I always called them bumblebee earphones. 8D

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Dunno how many "settings" an iPod would have, but it's normally quiet, because I usually only have the time normally to listen to it at night in my bed.


I have about... 400 songs, my 4gig iPod Nano 2nd gen is about halfway full xD

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*right clicks on My Music, selects "properties"*


Wow. Over 300 files. I didn't know that. Must have a bunch of duplicates and tons of stuff I don't listen to. Not to mention downloading entire OSTs and only listening to one or two tracks from each...


Anyway the entire My Music folder is under 1 gig, around 810 megs.


I must have even shorter songs then. o.O?

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