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Things I Feel, And Dislike



This all at the same moment, and I felt like typing up a entry to try and rid myself of such things;


- A sickish like feeling, why? I don't know... it may be from something I've simply wrote and actually felt sad about.. maybe, and no I have never wrote something to where I feel any sort of emotion towards, although according to others they do. I suppose I finally broke that limit, and felt bad for what I wrote, but fixing it... well screw that. It would ruin everything, and in a way this is technically a good sign, I just don't like it so much <<


- A tad bit somewhat angry, of course not enough for it to make me seeth and destroy stuff, just enough for me to feel a bit frustrated over something I cannot control, and simply put I am torturing myself with the thought and it just won't leave.


- Frightened; not anymore, but earlier... it was a dream yes, but so freakin' realistic I woke up screaming. I don't know what caused such a thing or why, and no this has absolutely never happened and no I am not sick nor do I have any "disorders" nor have I watched/read anything to trigger such a thing. In short... heck I don't know how to say it in short. However, I will refrain from talking about it as such discussion is not allowed on BZP... it was just an experiece I felt like sharing. So do not ask about it please.


- Sad, same reason with the bit of swelled anger, however I cannot control this as I cannot bring the dead back to life, nor can I reverse history. It will pass over time... but I hate the year it's taking to finally ease up. I have a gut feeling part of this actual reason has something to do with a few recent nightmares- of which I normally enjoy as it gets my creative side going... but these last few... I just don't even wish to talk about them. And for the reason for this "Sadness and Anger" is the same reason why I had to leave DotT and TFD for a period of time. I wish it never happened.


- that's it for now.


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They say that either in fiction or as a diary, it's always best to let the paper (or this time, the computer screen text box thingy =P) to listen to what you have to say. There are no rules to stop you from telling the text box/paper how you feel. :)

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lol, you're right, typing into a text box thingamaloo helps a bit.... just as long as the computer doesn't break down... or your paper start on fire randomly...
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Well, actually it would be fine if the stuff burned down to the ground and then decomposed because you wrote down those sad and angry words, and you probly never want to read them again. The only purpose of writing them, and then to smash your computer with a spiky hammer, is to get the words out of your head. ^_^
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