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All For A Bookbag

Watashi Wa


As I mentioned earlier, I went on a trip to Six Flags over Georgia today. We arrived probably 15 minutes after they opened and somehow managed to find a close parking spot. So we entered the park and bee-lined for the newest coaster, The Goliath. Since this was our first ride of the day, we decided to go ahead and try to sit up front. We wait for our turn, and we go to put our backpack in the little cubbyhole thing they have sitting at the ride exit. I sit in my seat and strap myself in.


One of the ride assistants came over to me and said, "Sir, you are not allowed to keep bags in the cubbyholes."


"Where am I going to put it, then?"


"You have to put it in a locker."


"Well are you going to buy one for me then?"


I was returned with an stare that pretty much looked as if he thought I were a complete retard. They told us we could get someone to hold the bag for us, or one of us could not ride the ride. Ashley stormed out of the station, furious because she waited in line for roughly 20 minutes without ANYONE telling us we had to buy a locker to put bags in and that only souvenir cups and flip-flops are allowed in the cubbies. As it turns out, you are REQUIRED to pay a dollar for EACH coaster that has lockers if you have any type of bag. What would stop someone from stealing shoes or a cup that is worth about $12?


We made our way to the second coaster, The American Scream Machine, and asked the workers at the front of the line if we had to buy a locker to put our bag in for this ride. They said no, and that the only rides that required lockers were the Superman, the Goliath, the Scorcher, and the Cyclone which happens to be the rides that are rode most often. Hmm, high traffic rides + required lockers for anyone with a bag = easy money? You bet.


After I thought about it for a while, it occurred to me that one reason why they probably put the lockers in place was because of an accident that happened earlier in the year. Someone lost their hat while on the Batman ride and after they got off, said person proceeded to jump not one safety fence but TWO safety fences. In the end, well...he lost more than his hat. So they put these lockers up to make people but bags and other belongings so that guests wouldn't lose them. Well, we were only told to put bags in the lockers. Being a hot and sunny Georgia (or just plain Southern) day, many people wear hats. These people tried to put their hats in the cubbyholes as well, but were told they had to hold onto them while on the ride. Gee, that kind of defeats the purpose of lockers in the first place now doesn't it?


Even though the fee of renting a locker was only $1 for a two hour period, if you have to check or get something out of your bag that is in this locker, you have to get another locker because once you reopen that locker and close it, there is no getting your possessions back. Plus, you have to get a locker for nearly every ride in the park! I asked one person who was watching the lockers how many complaints he had been getting and he replied with a simple "too many." There were no signs on the park entrance, no signs on ride entrances, not a single thing that said "WARNING! IF YOU ARE CARRYING A BAG, YOU MUST BUY A LOCKER! BAGS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE TEMPORARILY STORED IN THE DOCKING STATION!"


Would it not make more sense to offer lockers that you paid maybe say $5 for and have unlimited access to your things? Heck, why not even let the lockers be free? I just payed $30 or so to get into your park, and now I have to pay more money to ride each ride? Seriously Six Flags, something needs to be done about this.


What was even more surprising to me was the reaction of one snack shop employee when I answered her question of how my day was going. "Good, besides the whole 'gotta get a locker to hold your bags for each ride' thing." She thought the lockers were for the whole day, and that you could have unlimited access to it. She seemed appalled when I explained that once you close that door for the first time, you can only open that one more time to get your things out and that each ride had its own set of lockers.


I have been visiting this Six Flags for nearly all of my life, and this has to be the most ridiculous thing they have ever done. Hopefully enough people are complaining so that the management will realize what a stupid decision they made.


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