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Laptop Attack!

Danska: Shadow Master


At last! I have me a laptop! And a good laptop it is. As I type I am installing a game, playing music, running MSN, Mozilla Thunderbird, Open Office Writer and about 3 other tabs in Firefox all without any lag whatsoever. On my old PC, simply viewing the desktop was liable to send it into a fit of lagging while installing a game. Am I happy? Yes I am!


I spent most of yesterday (once it arrived) copying files and installing programs. It took me well over an hour to transfer all my music to my external hard drive from my old PC. To get it onto my laptop - I dunno. Five minutes? Now THAT is impressive! In fact I think I managed to transfer four times as much in less time.


Setting up my email was difficult. First I had to work out how to do it (I'm not talking about web-based email here), and then the SMTP address given (the one needed to send emails) seemed to be wrong. I also had to find a way to transfer my old emails to this machine. Thankfully I succeeded in these ventures, though it took me many hours.


I am now going through and installing all my games. The mere fact that I should be able to complete that task in a day is a testament to my laptop's awesomeness - or perhaps the uselessness of my old machine. Far as I'm concerned it's both.


To further confirm my desktop's inferiority to all but the most basic and simple of units, it is now dead. It always had problems, but it now blue screens whenever I start it up. I don't think I'll miss it.


Perhaps the thing I'm most excited about is this machine's gaming potential. On my old machine, nearly any game made in the last three years would struggle to work and any game in the last five would take an hour to load. Though I haven't tested any games yet (I'm still installing them), I would imagine my laptop can do a lot better. If it takes me less time to load a Dawn of War match than to play it, I'll be happy.


Now to go and run around happily until I collapse in a heap from exhaustion, giggling like a lunatic.


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It's not one of the major brands because I had it custom-built, so got it straight from the manufacturers. The website is called PCSpecialist (which I have proudly stamped over the top of my laptop).

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