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Tomorrow We'll All Dieeee! D:

The Lawuser


Don't really now what it was, but it is some kind of test they will make in Switzerland, which maybe will create a black whole.


I dunno if it's true or not, someone mentioned that they mentioned it in the radio. And if it IS true, then I don't have the details. =/




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That would be extremely difficult. Whatever they're gonna use to create a black hole would probably be small compared to something like the Earth, and even the earth would have to be compact to the size of a quarter in order to become a black hole.


And even so, some organization or another would try and stop them.



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Okay, seriously, I've been talking about this in my blog for AGES.


They're not trying to create a Black Hole, that's just a possible side-effect of their real goal... and it will be thousands of black Holes a second. But they'll be microscopic.


And tons of people have tried to stop them, and they've been halted several times, but it's still going....


No chance of destruction, though.

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*sigh* And this is why they don't talk about it much. People hear "black hole" and run around screaming "we're all gonna die!", when it's this infinitessimally small possibility that would actually not have much impact on anything, as far as I know...
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Guest kopakanuva13


Apparently there are some people on earth with microscopic black holes in them. Not sure if it's a myth though :-P
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Guest kopakanuva13


Hey, if we die, at least it will be quick, right?

Darn it D:

I've always wanted to savor the moment [/emomantax]

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Hey, if we die, at least it will be quick, right?

Darn it D:

I've always wanted to savor the moment [/emomantax]

We won't even know it. If a black hole is created on the surface of the earth, time will appear to stop around that area. Anybody near it will appear to be frozen. Black holes have an effect of sucking in things but as it enters the hole something happens and the light freezes, thus making an illusion that the thing is just stuck. It would probably spread and then eventually the world would be somewhere inside the hole.




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Guest kopakanuva13


Hm. Not dead yet. I'll just be patient, I'm sure it'll be here sooner or later xP
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