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Bugs, Hygene, Lgd Contents, Oh My!



Last night, I locked my dad out. Heehee. That was fun.


But that's not the purpose of this entry. While I was in the process of locking him out, I look down and find a BUG crawling up my shirt. So I flicked it off. But ah.


Now by now Biomech is probably thinking I'm some sort of antihygenic freak. But every time this has happened, it's been right after I've stepped out of our deck. With the outdoor light on. So like, there are so many bugs attracted to that stupid thing that apparently it's impossible to walk out there and not find one ON you.


In other news, I finished my LGD content entry. Although I had to do a major revamp when I realized it had to be able to hold TWO passengers (at the time it only held one). In the end I just ended up squeezing a minifig in the boiler room. XD


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Sadly, here we have bugs too. I hate living here, but since I have friends here (and it's the only place my dad has a job, and could also do it), there's going to be no moving for me. I'll live with it.


You germophobe! XD


And poor minifig...;_;



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I want that image of those lemons over there -->


I'm not joking. Lemons are my favorite inside joke.



They also keep away bugs. Throw one in your bug zapper, it's a perfectly good waste of lemons, plus it makes a big hissing noise. :)


~ :kakamanu: ~


That's my favorite two thingies EVER! Waste of lemons and hissing noises!


That's why I liked the Rahkshi. XD


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