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Absolute madness broke out. A friend I made at school was sent to the hospital during school hours. Why? Because some moron thinking he's "All that" decided to throw him to the ground. It took me every ounce of will power to not through this guy out the window, trust me at that early in the morning and seeing that happen really ticks me off.


I would have sent him to the hospital, but no, I'm better than that and so I simply composed myself while proper help arrived. Person in question was suspended for an unknown to me amount of time.


Things like this tick me off, they really do. Especially when the guy's twice the size of a person and decides to knock him out of the way.


I had to get that out, of course I wouldn't go straight and resort to violence, that's just not me, although this made me go dangerously close and whatever illness I caught only helped to disorientate my thoughts...


Well with that said, I'll put a entry on a happier note when I find something I can talk about.


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