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'nother Gl Wallpaper



I made this in two resolutions this time since I actually plan to use the 1024x768 one on the school computer that I use during programming... at least if I guessed the screen res correctly. My home monitor's res of 1280x1024 was definitely too big when I tried it today, but...


Well, I'll see on Tuesday.


Anyway, thar be spoilers ahead. Fairly be ye warned. Most of the screenshots are from episode 27.





The three largest images, on the far left, center, and far right, I compiled myself from my episode 27 .mp4 file. All three scenes were a scroll up of a mostly still shot; I pause-played and took a bunch of screenshots and then lined them up. The one on the left was easiest to compile since the only animated part was Simon's mouth/chin. The center one was tricky and I messed up a LOT, but the flame was slow and repetitive enough that I managed to catch the exact same frame in each pause eventually. The last screenshot for that one was especially hard since the scene changes immediately afterwards. The one on the right was what first inspired me to compile an extended screenshot, and it was also the hardest; I might redo it. Not only was there a fixed light gradient at the bottom of the "camera," making a third of each screenshot unusable from the start, the stars and border of the spiral were also animated, and very fast; however this didn't occur to me as I was gathering screenshots. Like I said, I might redo it; I'll hang on to the very bottom and very top, since they were the most difficult to capture (and how!) but I'll probably redo everything in between.


The rest were screenshots I just downloaded from a blog, although on some of my favorites I spent time Photoshopping the timestamp out with varying levels of success; it's pretty seamless most of the time, granted you didn't know it was there to begin with.


Every image used had an "auto levels" run on it to bring up contrast and brighten the colors. The borders are brushes I found through Google. The logo came from a screenshot; I ran a select->color range to remove the shape, then added a gradient overlay and played with blending modes until I had what I liked.


I've gotta stop repetitively watching that episode. I've definitely seen it a dozen times by now.



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