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A Long Road Ahead



Wow, I didn't realize until today that I haven't had an entry for nearly a week. It's not by choice...rather by a combination of work, classes, and a long string of "Board Messages". I think part of me needed a break for a little bit. It was getting frustrating to only have a few hours a day to check the forums, and having those hours essentially negated by server overload.


But that's not what this entry is about. Mostly, it's about the Inuva (hence the placement in that section). The fic is up and running, and I like where it's been going so far, but with this messed up schedule I'm working (which includes the occasional close at 3:45 am), I'm finding myself incredibly short on time. This means Rebirth could see a bit of a delay. I want to post at least a few more chapters to get the fic to a more natural pause, but if I can't find the time it's going to be difficult.


It won't be like The Alliance, I promise you that. I'll try to get this finished by the end of the school year. It's just a matter of finding free time.


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well, that stinks, the board messages and no time.

But a suggestion on your new(well written) epic:

Write it ahead of time. I think you notioned to typing it up on the board and immediatly posting it. Instead, you could just type it up in Word or whatever you use, save it, make changes acordingly, and post it when you have time and the board works.

But, those board messages are really a pain in the...butt


good luck. From what you're saying, I can't wait for college....J/K

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From what you're saying, I can't wait for college....J/K

It isn't that ALL college is bad. Just once you get going into the upper years. Freshmen and sophomore year are fun. It's mostly generals, so you have time to enjoy the college experience (I'm referring to the whole socializing and finding yourself thing...not the party until you're arrested thing).

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