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Cancer And Hospitals



My Grandmother has multiple myeloma. It is a cancer of the bone marrow. causing it to produce mutant proteins which are deposited in the heart and kidneys. Eventually causing them to stop working. She has had it for almost 1.5yrs. It was diagnosed two months ago. Two months ago.


So, her kidneys stopped functioning two days ago. She's been on Chemo for almost a month. The well... weakened chemo. Her hair hasn't fallen out. It will when they start it stronger. Her heart is okay. She has been in the hospital for a week - she'll be there for two more. She can't stay at home, she cant' even walk on a walker. She doesn't have enough strength to lift her head.


Her doctor could have diagnosed it 1.5yrs ago, when her hip snapped of it's own accord. Randomly. Unpredicted. Nothing to suggest it would.


But, he didn't.


That son-of-a-###### attributed it to "being old."


The same way that my Great-Grandmother died last February. The doctor attributed it to "being old."




Her doctor told her chemo would make her feel better, it would kill the proteins. He was a lying friend.



Apparently, only her kidneys have failed. Everything else is relatively fine. Except, her tissue is holding 50lbs of liquids. And for some reason, they can't remove it.


Though only her kidneys have failed, her doctor came to her (same doctor as all of these other times), and started telling her that they might not go on with chemo. That she might just decide to go on and die. The other doctors disagree, but they do not have any say in the matter.


She is 64.


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She is old... And the doctor a... I better don't type it, even if it gots censored.


They should fire this guy. Now.

We would, but then it would take away valuable time she could get better.

Plus, finding a competent replacement would be hard, and updating the guy on her condition, etc, would be hard and time-consuming.


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Well clearly this guy has to go back to medical school and actually pay attention to the freakin' classes, but who am I to judge?


If a hip bone breaks without cause, after the X-Ray, an MRI should be taken as a precaution. That probably could've helped hint the bone marrow cancer.


Get a new doctor, this one isn't worth the time and especially the money.



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That's...terrible. A doctor who has absolutely no pity for his patients shouldn't have the ability to diagnose something, especially when they diagnose it late.


I'm very sorry. Not all hope is lost though; try to keep positive. I know it's hard in this type of scenario but you need to try.


All will be well.

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