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Switchfoot Or Formal?

Lady Kopaka


I hate choices. I can never make up my mind. :[


So on Saturday, around the same time I have a choice to go to either one. There’s a Switchfoot concert, and then our church is having a formal. You know, dancing all that jazz.


And I can’t decide what to do, because I have never been to a dance before or a concert. Argh! :wacko:


Either is a risk because I don’t have any friends around, so the excitement of it all may be less enthralling. I’d be joining my sister to formal, or just going with dad to the concert. Third Day and a few other cool bands will be at the concert, so that’s probably a one of a kind deal. The dance probably comes every year, but I’m not exactly sure and I’ll be a Senior by then.


My old man will be arriving from work soon and will demand to know my choice, so someone quickly hit me on the head with a frying pan and make me choose!


EDIT: Alright, I've decided I'm going to the concert. Thanks for helping me out guys. :)


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I say you should do neither, and just go do something entirely different with some friends.

Don't got any friends, and there isn't much else to choose to do. :rolleyes:

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I say concert. Like you said, it's sort of a once-in-a-lifetime chance. And if there's not going to be anyone you're friends with at the dance, there's not really much point in going, is there? Not to mention that there'll always be other dances in the future.

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Even though you already decided, I say concert. Ever since I heard the Switchfoot Song, 'This is Home', on the Narnia: Prince Caspian soundtrack, I have listned more for them on the radio. Kinda like 'Move Along' was with All-American Rejects and me.



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Hmmm... Well, if you want to be hit in the head.....



Besides, you already decided. But really, frying pans HURT>_< when you get hit with them. I should know. Now, as I was saying../

The concert would definately be better, because it only comes around once every few years, unless you're rich and stuff. A formal is just about every year at school, church, and anywhere else publicly organized. So you won't really miss a chance doing that.



PS: If you ever decide to go to a dance, and there's no one to take, I'd take you. You know I would.

PPS: that is, If I could ever FIND you... :P ><

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