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Any Good Rpgs?



Recently, I've considered joining an RPG here on BZPower. Problem is, I don't want to join one where other people have control over what my character does, or how he reacts, or in which he is likely to be "I SHOOT CHU WIF LAZOR AND U DIE LOLOLOLOL" killed. And I don't want to join one in which the people in it have next to no idea what to do, either.


And yes, a Bionicle one would be preferred.


I figured I'd get to know people here better if I join an RPG as my previous experiences on other sites has proven.



So, post away. In other words, feel free to spam/advertise your RPGs to me. Or somebody else's RPG.







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Code Lyoko and Teen Titans are two of the best RPGs out there. *is biased* I'd also recommend Ka-Chan's Transformers RPGs, but the 2nd just got finished and it'll be a while before the third gets here.



EDIT: *notices the Bionicle-preferred thing*


Eh, I don't do Bionicle RPGs.

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For non bionicle ones, go for Teen Titans or Avatar. Both a quite good with experienced and cool people.

For bionicle, check out Oblivion's Embrace. I'm not sure if it's still up/ can run for another RPG contest, but it's a really great rpg with a nifty storyline.



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Wait until the current Bionicle RPG contest is over to join one, since all the current ones will be closed soon. That's what I'm doing.




The current ones that didn't win the contest, silly bunda. I'll still make fun of you, though.


OE would be a good one, if you can quick-read through the first... fifty or so pages.


Or you could just wait another ten days for the contest to be over.


Teeb is a blasphemer, too.

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