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Bike Tales.

The Driver


So school started for me, and guess what?


Everything but the logistic side went smooth.

By the logistic side I mean my bookbag, which fell apart, no kiddin'. And my bike, which rear tire went flat on the very first day.

Hmm, entry idea...


Yes, this is about bikes. Since we Dutch are the bicycle nation of the world, I suppose I can write an entire entry about bikes!

And not the very good parts!

No, this is about all the perhaps-not-memorable moments I had with my bike:



I was on my way home, I had the wind in my back, so I picked up quite some speed and this fairly long street.

Under normal circumstances, the above are quite normal, I pay attention to the road and everything on it.

And I don't really look at all the pretty birds which chirp and kuckoo their throats out.

So it was quite obvious I didn't see the one coming that would fly right into my front wheel...

Yes that actually did happen, and it was not pleasant, it was messy, and I somersaulted.

Which is what also happened with...



Terschelling (hah try that!), a small island of the coast of Harlingen.

I went mountainbiking there in the summer two years back.

I like to think of myself as an experienced road user.

So I went off road...

And I met a tree...

Well actually, the right side of my handlebar met the tree, which was enough to make for a second somersault.



Valenti and I are maniacs, something you might already know.

So we went for a small trip through the neighbourhood on our mountainbikes.

Narrow alley + not so narrow handlebar = handlebar hitting wall and flipping into my chest with great speed.



Has something to do with my privates so lets not go there.


And that's all I can think of at the moment.

I might remember more, at some time in a distant future.


Well, g'day to everyone.






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