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A Downside



The basement is so cold... I'm shivering *goes to get a jacket*


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You know what they say, "if you can't stand the heat, then go in a basement. If you can't stand the cold, go into the kitchen (because apparently kitchens are warm all the time =/)"


No they don't actually say that.


I do.







Never will again*




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Odd that you type in the basement.


Cold is good for the body. Makes you burn more calories.


It's also uncomfortable and can give you frostbite.


That's when you know you're cold, is when you get frostbite.


Pain is just weakness freezing to death. :huh:

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Frsotbite is actually a form of burn you get when exposed to cold enough weather, or enviroment. The irony in that makes me smile sometimes.


I type in the basement as the comp is down here, it is fully finished, my bedroom is down here (biggest room in the house), along with a sincerely messed up bathroom along with multiple closets. Heck, I can see the entire neighborhood right out the basement door.

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The whole neighboorhood..?


Is the cold..Bitter?[/totallynotfunny] :annoyed:


I wonder what the irony would do to me, if, because of the cold, you got frostbite on your mouth and couldn't smile when thinking of the fact that it's really classified as a burn... :rolleyes:

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The reason you get burned is the same reason you get burned by dry ice. The moisture in your skin freezes, and since ice is larger in volume than water, it digs into your skin and the particles of ice cut your skin, and that's why it hurts.


One time, when we got to play with dry ice (Dr. Burns was SO awesome; he always had awesome experiments. He was trying to get his hands on like, 100 pounds at least of Liquid Nitrogen for a lab) he was cutting the dry ice, and he was just holding it in his hands, because he said that his hands had been exposed to so many chemicals there was no moisture on his outer skin. Also, someone stupidly put the dry ice down their pants to see how much it would hurt.

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Dr. Burns. Wow. I hate your puns. :P


But seriously, Dr. Burns was freaking awesome! I loved that guy! His policy was pretty much "Here's some sulfuric acid. Play with it for a while, and then I'll explain it's properties."


But yeah, that person was really stupid.

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Oh, you haven't seen puns yet. You should meet me in person. It's ridiculous. :D


I think I'll have to take Physics next year, they blow stuff up. Chemistry is way boring.

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