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Christmas In September

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


I get to play Santa Claus tomorrow.


The company I work for has decided to give $30,000 to its employees this autumn, specifically, $1,000 to each full-time employee. There's a catch, however: the money is not for us.

We've been tasked to give this money away to a person, organization, or cause we deem worthy of it.


When I first got this memo back in mid-July, the first opportunity that came to mind is Marcie, my girlfriend's sister: she was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and that's hampered an already threadbare budget. In addition to covering some treatment, the money will help start a college fund for Mikayla, her 6-year-old daughter who just started first grade.


So, I'm sacrificing what could be my last Saturday afternoon for a while with my girlfriend (explanation later if I deem it appropriate) to drive up to Jackson, MS, meeting them halfway with cheque in hand. Eh, worse things have happened (like, say, getting caught not being able to go home because of a hurricane).

Should be a nice evening, regardless.



-KIE, getting to bed early? *gasp*


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