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Sweet Sabotage! A Female Sarcasm Chick-flick!



May I warn all of you: Don't take the movie 'The Devil Wears Prada' too seriously, and with many pinches of salt for the femme audience!


There was something all too obvious for me when I watched the movie. I tell you, I was adamant about watching a chick flick. However, when ol' Daddy said he was watching too, the in-house movie critic, I hopped onto the bandwagon.


I was so happy I watched the movie.


There's no need for me to write out a summary of the movie. You go watch it when you can. We BZP-Boppers lead hectic lives.



Anywhere, I saw it as something more than a comedy. It is more, if I may put it, a sabotage-like sarcastic comedy and one of the best chick-flicks I have seen, that did not look the least like one.


Amidst the gaudy fashion wear and the laughable antics of the younger protagonist, there was something I found in that reel that spoke truthfully about the world:


This was a wake up call, nothing more or less, to many, many women (and men) out there.

It is a good 'for-crying-out-loud' message to the masses about the whimsical way of people, especially fashion addicts of the feminine gender, and the fact that they must wake up or else they're wandering deeper and deeper into the throes of haplessness to spend and get every latest trend on her, and the things along that vein.


The movie was also an eye-opener to everyone else in there: it portrayed the roles, stereotypical roles, of people in the world.


May I rant about them?


Of course I can.




The younger protagonist was an eager woman in the new world: energetic, happy, and ready for anything - except her new job.


Now, the stereotype is this: The changing one. This person starts out as a unique character, and has amiable qualities, but the world does not see them. In fact, they see her as the odd one out, the one who cannot survive and is plain weird in every possible way.


The person in subject here feels intimidated by this negative outlook of him or her that he or she had created unwillingly.


What is the solution? A change; a total transformation from his or her current self to a new one who has modified his or her stats to the society's eye as someone they can accept, and maybe hold in esteem. He or she may keep some qualities of old, like his or her gregariousness (in the example the movie provided), but more or less it is a total makeover.


It changes her (I don’t think I can type any more ‘him or her’ phrases.) totally – her portrayal to the world and the world’s view of her.


The world sees her as someone who is now a mainstream person: wearing the same clothes as anyone else, doing the same thing as everyone else does, and the things along that vein. They see her as someone who has improved and finally met some essential standards of society.


She sees the world as, now, a chase in life. To go up and up, and the ladder does not end. She has to change always to keep up, and she will do it.


However, it always, more or less, drags on to leading her to do this blindly. She changes blindly, dragging herself up and up by a subconscious will, and it estranges her from the world that surrounds her: peers and family would have to be sacrificed if need be. All in the eye of the perfectionist, some meagre things have to go.


In the movie, though, there was a twist. The changing girl who was sucked into the whirlpool found the courage and willpower to break out of the cruel cycle, and came back a changed person, yet again. However, this change was for keeps. She may keep some qualities of the old self, but return to her older self, before all the madness ensued.


She would be learned, experienced, and a wiser person about life and its ways, traps, opportunities and, by the past lives she led, what it does to people.


That kind of stereotype is an ideal one, one that everyone wishes he or she would end up as at the end of the day. But would anyone fancy going through she had to endure?


Typical movie-protagonist stereotype; one must be tired of those.



But, I think I’m riding in that kind of life now. Everything I do, everything I see, somehow it never meets up to standard to me. I was wondering if it was something to do with me.


But when I saw this, it was a wake up call of an important fact that Andy Sachs herself found out:

No one is perfect!

Everyone does have limits (they’re breakable, though) and you’re forever a learner. Go along with what you’re doing, but do it to your best and that’s all people need of you. (Oh yes, do look at a job twice before taking it up.)



However, this next stereotype doesn’t go along that line of thought.



The editor of an elite fashion magazine, she holds herself in high esteem and ego. She has talent and skill, and she knows it all too well by her devotees and followers that respond to each beck and call. She’s self-centred, a know-it-all, and she has preened herself to show that. She is the only one on the high horse, and if she plays her cards right no one can pull her down.


She thinks the world should work on sizing up to her, and she makes herself heard, and the only way, the only way to knock that into the maggots’ brains, is to tell them every time they made the stupidest mistake in her eye that they got it wrong, totally wrong.


The stereotype, I bet you all know: the hellspawn from the land of Perfection.


I think I said enough of the character already before its introduction. But there’s one, the sole, weakness in this character: She cares about how the world sees her, and forgets herself entirely. When she looks at herself, she realises how IMPERFECT she is compared to what she wants to be.


She seals herself up from the world. They only hear of her achievements and see her at those prestigious dinner parties, but they don’t know her inside life. They don’t even see her with any life other than the one she’s leading on their covers.


But, she’s human. She deals with the sorrows and woes life throws at her due to her perfection: no one can stand her. She undergoes the same trials everyone does: work, stress, and the lack of time to relax and the cruelties society has taken for granted.


She holds her image up as the only protective barrier she had to offer, but behind it she’s a real miserable person.




The third character and the final barrage of rant-fodder for you is the victim. She is the latest in the trend, and someone who has only this ulterior goal in life: to be at the heels of Master and be the apple of his or her eyes. This one is truly a hapless follower of whatever the media deems is the rage.


Stereotype: Blind Follower, the hapless one from the start, unlike the other two. Many girls, as the media says, fall into this category. Nothing to others, all to themselves and their figure or style, and only that runs in their minds.


They do all that they can to go for the ‘goals’ and be included in the ‘In’ crowd. Size Two, Size Four the maximum. Weight gain is a sin. Check the magazines on a daily basis to find the latest outfit, and buy that outfit when in doubt. It could be the rage tomorrow.


They sacrifice, they go head over heels, and in the end, the rewards she may get is that she’s in the crowd and recognised.

Recognition is all these people want, being in the crowd of their dreams is all they are about, and it is quite scary to interact with such people.


I know one who doesn’t know who Steve Irwin is, and was, and ranted about the Popstar magazine she just acquired instead. That is an example.


We don’t know how they live, for they don’t seem to have any other life than the one they are striving for. I personally see them as a sad and desperate lot. They aren’t worth your time pitying or acknowledging when they think they can only mix with those in their crowd.


If I sound like I'm floundering wildly with this lot, it's because it's this kind of lot which I find repulsive (or 'I can't believe they exist!'), and can not grasp and understand fully and properly. All I see is a naive image of a person who could have gone better places and be better off than the current state she placed herself in.



Is your brain numb? Here’s the last bit:


The irony, the biggest irony of it all, is that this movie is a comedy.


We’re making fun of those stereotypes, those people in there, when one of them may be sitting right next to you in the movie theatre.


It’s a sad thought: we’re laughing at the movie, and laughing at so many girls (some men, maybe) out there who are like these three stereotypes! Laughing ever so sadistically at their ways, and not thinking deeper.


My dad and I did. We both said that this was no chick-flick, but a proper wake up call to the world’s society of heels and faux-fur-trimmed jackets and thousand-dollar bags.


My sisters, however, were shallower and saw the tip of the mountain instead. They failed to see the base, or maybe they don’t want to eat anymore spoonfuls of salt.



Well, if everyone can identify part and portion of those stereotypes in them, they’re human. If you can’t, and instead see you following one of those stereotypes wholly or don’t even fit in, I’ve got to see.



But, at the end of the day, I must still admit: My little sister is a clacker. Hah!



All right, no one's perfect. And this is long, I know. Live with it, dah-ling.


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Right on!


And to prove how busy I am, I didn't have time to read the whole thing. :P


Excellent work here.


EDIT: No, I'm not being sarcastic. You speak the truth.

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Yes, I do admit that the entry was a wittle bit too long.


And I did not sound like I'm rambling? Dude, thanks! I thought I was running far from the bush, or beating the leaves off and not hitting anywhere.



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I found it just recently. Thanks though. It is a wonder how words sit at the tip of your nose, staring intently at you, and you can't find them.


Now where do I put this funny little word?



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