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Land Of Confusion

Queen of Noise


Propaganda. Elections. War. Economics. Corruption. People. Too many people, making too many problems. And yet amidst it all there's still me and there's still you. And are we not of worth?


Sides, sides, sides, everyone talks about sides and all the sides are wrong. It's not about sides. Only when we realize that can this land of confusion become so much less confusing.


Don't you see? It's not about fighting. Why is everyone fighting?? Why does everyone want to fight??? Let's not bicker and argue over petty things. Let's not talk about how much better I am than you, or how much better he is than she. I'm not better than you; he is not better than she. We're all people.


I'm so worried about some things. Sometimes I sit and I sit and I worry about things that I know I can't do anything about but they are so dear to me. This is a land of confusion. But it's still a land--it's still a place where we can stand. It's still a place for us to live. It's a place where we can live together.


All of us.


And we can work together to eliminate some of the scary things--for a lot of the confusion is comprised of things we've constructed ourselves. In saying this I'm not saying 'revolution' (when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out). I'm not saying 'vote for my candidate' (I have no candidate. I am of no side; all these sides are fabricated, false, and corrupt. Furthermore, I'm not so presumptuous as to tell you whom to vote for). It's not a call to 'action,' it's a call to live, forgive, and love.


There's not much love to go around. We can solve that easily.




"Land of Confusion" by Genesis

Composed by Tony Banks, Phil Collins, and Mike Rutherford


I must've dreamed a thousand dreams

Been haunted by a million screams

But I can hear the marching feet

They're moving into the street.


Now did you read the news today?

They say the danger's gone away

But I can see the fires still alight

There burning, into the night


There's too many men

Too many people

Making too many problems

And not much love to go 'round

Can't you see, this is a land of confusion.


This is the world we live in (oooh)

And these are the hands were given (oooh)

Use them and lets start trying (oooh)

To make it a place worth living in!


Oh Superman, where are you now?

When everything's gone wrong somehow

The men of steel, the men of power

Are losing control by the hour


This is the time

This is the place

So we look for the future

But there's not much love to go 'round

Tell me why this is a land of confusion.


This is the world we live in (oooh)

And these are the hands we're given (oooh)

Use them and let's start trying (oooh)

To make it a place worth living in!


I remember long ago

Ooo, when the sun was shining

Yes, and the stars were bright

All through the night

And the sound of your laughter

As I held you tight

So long ago


I won't be coming home tonight

My generation will put it right

We're not just making promises

That we know, we'll never keep.


Too many men

There's too many people

Making too many problems

And not much love to go 'round

Can't you see, this is a land of confusion.


Now this is the world we live in (oooh)

And these are the hands we're given (oooh)

Use them and lets start trying (oooh)

To make it a place worth fighting for!


This is the world we live in (oooh)

And these are the names we're given (oooh)

Stand up and let's start showing (oooh)

Just where our lives are going to!


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I could agree to an extent, but it's a good idea you ponder something if it regards morals- after all, if it weren't for any morals or guidance, we wouldn't live for anything.


Now, I understand your pain, but life can't go on if everything is all the same, and if everything is made to be one. Some things need to be separate for their own good, and the good of others. And if they aren't, chaos ensues. If there aren't different sides; different things in this mortal world, then how would we choose? How would we make choices for ourselves in the first place. Wars aren't started mainly by there being different sides; it's caused by one side trying to make the other like itself, by trying to conquer, or force it's ideology upon others; by trying to unite what isn't theirs, and that causes conflicts, suffering, and some times even the loss of free will- people can't even live their lives like they used to before; the new man in charge tries to make everything "new" and dull. The truth is, most of the time, if people would just leave others alone when they want nothing to do with something this world would see far less conflict, but oh no: people would rather force their "reason" upon others, they'd rather "destroy to rebuild", then rebuild something even worse then what was there before.


I don't mean to relay a political message by any means, but imagine this: what if some man got into power and said "There are no sides: all are one, and all are mine. Everyone must be made to follow me, and no other ethics, beliefs or religion other than what is proclaimed by the state is true. All sides are false: our side is the only one, those who believe otherwise are traitors to their own cause: all must think as I do, and work as I command, or be made to do so by force. All the nations will be united for the sake of unity alone, even if that means making the world a more chaotic and miserable place, one which will degrade into oblivion."? And just think: what if that man outlawed your beliefs? Or, what if he separated you from your family, your friends; he made you work for his new government's secret police, dragging people off to Reeducation Centers to be brainwashed to believe his doctrine, the people having no privacy as cameras and microphones scanned his new world to keep it in line; to make everyone obey him. As you carry out your orders, you have to detain even your closest friends and eventually parents, all to ensure "everyone works together", as they are changed into something that they weren't before; they are changed into something human beings are not meant to be: they would be made into mindless fools. Later on, people even begin to worship their new leader as a deity, like the people of Rome did to theirs. Although there is no more war, there's nothing left worth fighting for, no more freedom, no more free will outside the minds of but a few remaining, confused minds from older times.


But that's what happens when "everyone works together".


All of us.




Look at the fate of all these dictatorships ruled by people who radically change and "unite" their nations, who were the result of poorly elected officials, or were overtaken by rebellions, look at how they crumble as people are tortured and beaten to bend their country into a land of suffering. Look at how people are faced with conscription or being tortured to death. Look at the fate of the Soviet Union, which united many nations under it's rule, and felt it could choose for it's people, and treat them like livestock. People couldn't even leave their hometown without a permit. But they did keep order and ruthlessly arrest "troublemakers". Is that what you'd prefer? Would you use all your intelligence, liberty, and freewill just to loose it all?


Absolute power corrupts- not just the rulers, but the citizens they rule. If you look at examples with things as small and brief as only a single nation, and have that happen to the world- the entire world driven to such a horror would leave people no place to hide, no place to escape to. There would be no sides with a free land and people that you could escape to: no freedom in human civilization.


Free will and liberty are what let us make choices; there need to be different paths, different nations, different people, different choices. Yes, that's what lets us do wrong things- horrifying things, but that's what lets us do good things as well; it's what makes us human: It's what separates us from animals, it's what allows us to reason, and make good choices. If we only do what our impulses suggest, then we would be no better than beasts. If we blindly flock with the largest herd, then we're only following our impulses.


I know you're thinking largely in absolutes, but everything has it's own time, proper usage, and place. A flower doesn't bloom annually, the temperature always changes, not every moment is one. If you've ever looked at a piece of code for a program, it has hundreds of different lines of commands, equations, arguments, inputs, outputs, all sorts of things to ensure it operates. Yes, they "work together", but there is more than one program, there is more than one computer, there is more than one network. All things work in their own habitats, and for their own purpose. There are certain levels of collaboration that are good, and there are others which cause malfunctions. If every environment on this Earth were to be combined, it would tear itself to shreds- yet when they're separate and divided from eachother they work correctly. Only when people began corrupting them did they begin to mess up- that's why there are all these problems with things like people introducing all-devouring vines into a foreign, but easily hospitable ecosystem that ends up turning half of the country it's introduced to into "KUDZU EVERYWHERE", that's what happens when people think they can "change things for the better".


It's not that way with humans going to other environments, since humans are all the same species, of course. But humans have something that vines and Cane-Toads don't: Human beings have a sentient, individual minds, that don't naturally form "hive minds" or work in large groups with strangers they don't know. Humans work best in small, easier to familiarize with, groups; not being in disorganized, scared, mobs(Ever heard of riots?Almost entirely ruled by the group's main actions. )And no, I'm not putting down "city-folk" if I implied that.)). People are mobile, though; if you don't like the group or country you're in, you can move away, or join another one. If you don't like your people's culture, move to a place that has one more suited to you. I don't mean to put anyone's culture down, or be racist, or anything of the sort, before you jump to that conclusion. What I'm saying is, different things go better with different things; you simply cannot have everything be at harmony without there being different people, different countries, different cultures, and different governments. Some things work together, but not every single thing[/i] works together. That doesn't mean we all need to fight, but to unite everything disrespects every nation's people; their history, their nation's sovereignty, the liberty their ancestors defended out of the love of their fellow people. All of that would go to waste; that love turned to hate, that freedom turned to oppression, that independence turned to slavery, that history replaced with flawed dreams for a bland future. Such misfortune is caused by rebels, weak minds, and tyrants thirsting for control, among other things.


People need to leave each other alone at times, they need to accept not everyone can be the same, they need to accept not everyone can collaborate on a common accord. There are "sides" because people are different, people are unique, people are diverse.


That's what makes us human.








So really, you'll just need to understand people won't be like you, they have their own ways, and their own morals, and there's more sides than just your own. Let people go their own way as they let you go yours.



That's just my view, though. If it sounded political, wasn't meant to demote or promote any sort of governmental system, really. What I believe is all this talk about "coming together" is unguided and silly. People will never be perfect, people can't all be the same, and humanity cannot create an Utopia for itself without making a far worse place in the end, and that's proven itself time again and again. That doesn't mean we can't love one another, but we can't all live together. It would be like having to live in the same house with all your neighbors instead of the same neighborhood. Too many people, with all their differences which make living in the same home near impossible: One family wants fried monkey brains, while another wants roasted bugs, and the other wants steak; one family sleeps at day, the other sleeps at night, the other sleeps at random. And they all have different etiquette and beliefs- you can't just "cast your differences aside"; it would be best that each family have it's own home, so they wouldn't have to put up with the other in the same way, so they can live their lives less miserably. And really; having all those folks in a single, large home causes quite a bit of quarrels and arguments.



If you don't agree, that's fine with me. After all, you have your own opinion, out of many.





P.S.: Again, if I somehow sounded racist, it was totally accidental, and unintended.



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You misunderstand me: I'm not speaking of homogeneity, but of unity. Part of what makes us so wonderful and interesting and lovable is that we're all individual and distinct. We all have differences. And that's really cool!


What people refuse to realize is that though we're all so very individual and different, we're all people and we're all of worth. All our sisters and brothers in this world deserve the same respect and love we would have them show us. It's also up to all of us to live and to keep this planet a place worth living in. And yes, we all disagree on what the precisely best method to do that is, but just sitting and bickering about it will not solve anything. Look at the US Congress: it doesn't get much of anything done. Why? Because the two big political machines would rather sit around and bickering and pump money into making the other look bad. It's gross.


"Coming together" isn't about thinking the same thing or having the same ideals. Rather, it's about showing some love and respect for everyone regardless of what she or he thinks.

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Was I not explicit enough?


Every day, everything becomes more and more interlinked, and everything suffers as a part of it. I don't mean communication, I mean physical things: I mean the economy, and "solutions for existing problems"- they all "work together" and they suffer from it; the only way they can survive is by fighting each other tooth and nail, because they aren't compatible, and they can't without eliminating the others. It's hateful, it's vile, and it's "gross". The different ones can't exist united, because they're conflicting ideas. It's the same thing that causes different ecosystems to not interconnect, it's the same thing that causes wars. If something doesn't work with something else, it doesn't work, and that causes problems if they're put together.


Also, as I illustrated before, "A house divided cannot stand", but the world itself is not one home; it is like a rural countryside and it's houses. Now, just think of this: if someone had moved all those people to one home, would they not constantly fight and quarrel with one another, and make living there a different place? Wouldn't that have created a chaotic, highly divided home that would come crashing down on itself, rather than a series of individual houses, each living by it's own accord, as the area they lived in remained in peace, without conflict? Wars and conflicts are caused from when someone doesn't accept there being other sides; when one tries to "unite" the other to work with his own, not by people being at peace, and leaving the other alone. You can't leave someone alone if you're united with him/her, and the same goes with nations. Some things are meant to be together, others aren't.


See, a group needs to be able to be kept together if they can all agree, but if they can't, then the people who don't agree- they need to be let go, rather than forced into something they disagree with- let into different groups. Yes, if there are multiple ones that agree, then they can collaborate, but some times the people in those groups won't, and the people matter quite a bit more than those who aught to be leading them.


If you look for "simple truths" you'll get simple answers.But look at how diverse, sophisticated and different every thing in this universe that we've discovered so far is. Tell me, if you can, how could all of that exist for a single purpose of unity? Why would human kind be made individual, separate, and diverse if it were just to unite it? Why then, are there so many islands, continents, planets, stars, systems, galaxies, and who knows what else- how could it exist all for a single, simple cause as that? Would it not be something far grander than even itself instead that it would exist for, instead? How can you even think that it should all be combined? The sun gives the Earth light and heat, but it isn't a part of it, and it needs to keep it's distance in order for life to still live here.


You said it yourself; sometimes you sit down and worry about all these problems you see around you- you stress over them. You tell yourself "something needs to be done" and out of desperation, you cling to the thing with the largest voice you'll let yourself hear; you listen to people who are popular and not often outspoken. You listen to all the good and relevant things they do, and never measure that against all the bad things they do. And with those who oppose them? You seem to think largely of their wrongdoings, thinking little of what good they did, regardless if they actually are wrong or not.


Different people have different ideas of a perfect world, and if someone starts trying to "make it a better place for everyone", that's going to be a horrible place for everyone else. Not everyone can agree with what is right and wrong, not everyone can agree with what is freedom and what is oppression, not everyone can agree on what is a life worth living. Everyone has their own thought on what is a "perfect world", and none of those can agree with the other.


You say "Love will just fix everything", yet you say "nothing stands on it's own". You say "Oh, differences are just fine..." then you say "We need to not think so much about our differences.". You're unsure, and you can't quite nail down "the problem" but there isn't just one problem at the base of things, and there's not just one solution for all of it, or for everyone, or vice versa.



Look, I'm about tired of this, I'm tired in general, and I need to get off the computer for tonight.

If you're going to turn this into something political as it seems to be going, I'd advise you just PM me about it.






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You seem to be concocting specific interpretations and drawing specific conclusions from the very general things I have been saying, attempting--intentionally or not--to put words I am not saying into my mouth. You also still don't seem to understand my distinction between unity and homogeneity.


You are entirely correct in that there is not only one problem--I did not say there was. And obviously each individual problem can only be treated by its individual solution (and there may be multiple solutions to each). But the thing at the heart of solutions, at least to most of the problems--the blanket over them--is love. Love never fails.


(Note: You seem to imply that I say love alone will magically solve all problems. I'm not stupid. ;) Look at the third quote in my sidebar: "We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it." Love takes work, beautiful, rewarding work.)


Anyway, I don't think you quite understand what I've been saying, and that's fine. I blame that entirely on me; I always seem to be far less properly articulate than I'd like to be. Whatever the case, I shan't argue with you, because like I said, fighting gets one nowhere. And it makes me feel all yucky. :(


If you want to PM me, feel free, but don't expect me to bicker with you, and don't expect me to get political (politics also make me feel yucky :( ). If you want an argument, you're barking up the wrong tree. Go talk to Shilo instead :P (I kid, Omi. You know I love you <3 ).


Anyway. I encourage everyone to not fight and perhaps instead to focus on the song, which I originally intended to be the only thing I posted in this entry. But, I started writing and didn't stop. :lookaround:

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