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Phovos And The Kitchen Utensils!



Phovos smashed into the orange stickman's home and looked around. He had never been to this country before, and the orange stickman from BW's home seemed like a good place to start.


In the corner of the bedroom sat a petrified looking teenager. Phovos grunted and took off the gloves disguising his long talons. Then he removed the cowboy hat. The teenager threw his pillow at the Raptor.


Phovos noticed and tore at the pillow, mistaking it for a very large marshmallow. After swallowing the last of the pillow, he turned once more to look at the teenager.


The teenager was gone. He had grabbed his computer and disappeared, screaming the words "PHOVOS REALLY IS A RAPTOR!"


Bored of the bedroom, Phovos headed towards the kitchen and looked at all the shiny objects.


The first one to catch his attention was an electric whisk. It was coated in cookie dough. Phovos stuck his long tongue into the cookie dough. It tasted sweet. Then the whisk turned it's self on.


Phovos roared in pain as he struggled to turn the whisk off. Finally, he managed to, and threw the whisk out of the window in anger.


Next on the list was a metal spoon. Phovos spent ages trying to work out what the object did. In the end, Phovos decided that it was a piece of jewellery that hung on the ned of his nose and could be used as a miniture catapult.


On the table was a knife. Phovos had seen one of these before and ignored the rather sharp blade, throwing it out of the window along with the whisk.


Phovos rumaged threw the cupboard, only to realise that it sprayed water when you turned it on. Angry, Phovos bit the plates inside the dishwasher and broke them.


Then he saw the fridge...


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