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Just Some Notices

Lady Kopaka


Hey guys, I don’t have too much time to make any nice entry, because I should be in bed now. D; But I shall point out a few random things:



- Life is crazy with school and stuff, so I may be away more than I thought. The so called ‘break’ was kind of nice, but working straight until 5PM on school I’ve decided, is not worth it and overall was very stressing… not to mention PSAT is within a week or two, so I’m scrambling around trying to prepare. :P


- I actually have furniture in my room! Well more simply, a bookcase, dresser and a soon-to-be built corner desk. Best of all an actual bed too, I’ve been sleeping on the floor with a mattress since we moved, so it’s all nice to have actual new furnishings than using ancient stuff since I was born (really, I don’t remember a time without that old bunk bed and dresser!)... The new stuff isn’t fancy authentic stuff, but I’m happy either way. :]


- The concert was AWESOME. We got Switchfoot, Third Day, Red, Jars of Clay, and Robert Randolph and the Family Band. We had to leave early, which stunk… but the rest was amazing! I’ll see about showing a few cool pictures sometime.


- I <3 downtown Nashville!


- Yes, I am very behind in PMs. Sorry, I'll try to catch up soon. :(


- Guys, Glitch in the System, Section 8 is edited (Thanks Jack). I just haven’t uploaded it. Quite a few people over the days PM’d me their own edited versions, and that’s very nice of all, but just for the record I knew BCJ was going to do it within a day or so-- he is after all my editor. So like I said, thank you everyone, but to save people the trouble please don’t worry about editing. I’m used to BCJ’s editing style and I’ll keep him unless I request another to assist.




…Okay that did come out longer than expected… but alright, alright, off to bed. IN MY REALLLL BED FRAMMEE. *Crashes*


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Ahrr, yes, sorry about that DX I wondered whether I should edit it or not because of that...


I've been to two concerts so far. One was when I was three or four, and it was a Jackson Brown concert. The second one was Jackson Brown and Tom Petty. I dunno whether you've heard of either of them...

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Guest kopakanuva13


Halo thar! xP


Art topic? 8D

Well, that post was kinda random... Three sentence fragments punctuated in emotes ;3

See ya around!


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Yes, yes, life= >:[


If I can finish a bunch of drawings, I noticed that if I put together all my 2005-2007, and then a lot of the 2008 work, I'd have enough to make a decent art topic. 'Course it matters if I can keep up an okay pace of art after I post it. I'd hate to make a topic then not update it for months right after!


Ahrr, yes, sorry about that DX I wondered whether I should edit it or not because of that...

Don't worry about it, you didn't do anything wrong, I just don't want a bunch of people doing that all for me when someone else already has, thanks though. :)

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Confess! I's one of those poor saps who edited. :rolleyes: I need to learn to read more carefully.


PSAT= Personal Super-Annoying Test-o-rama.


Woo, bed frame! I had a friend once who slept on just a mattress. As I recall she was sore often....


And finally, I will go out on a visual note:



OOOOOOoooooooooo! It's a lemurouse! This is to make you go "awwwww" and forget your troubles about school. Or the Pit. Whichever one of those you were talking about, as I get them mixed up.



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The pit... school. It's all the same in my eyes. :rolleyes:


Yes, sleeping on the floor makes you get lots of sores. :[


Also, don't feel bad, I made this notice after everyone started PMing me the edits. It's all okay, I just didn't want people doing all that work for nothing.

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PSAT? OOh, fun, I'm getting ready for that too...giving up one of my study hall periods to go to a not-that-helpful study session, too.D= Well, good luck on that. And the prospect of a new art topic.^^


ZOMG fluffy rodent critter!<333 Though technically I don't think those things are called lemurice.x3



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