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It Is Ok



I wish people would realize that growing older does not mean you have to stop liking such things as LEGO.

Title says all really.


I don't know what to do as I'm in high school now people will think it's uncool.


And despite not going on here much now I'm still attached to bionicles...


I also have glasses which don't really help as some simple minded twits will asume I'm stupid-yetclever,geeky and nerdy :unsure:

(Despite the fact I look fine with them.)


Thanks for the advice so far guys.





1) Why do you care of other people think it's uncool? You like it don't you?


2) Again, why worried what people think of what you look like. Plenty of people have glasses, and they look just fine. You need glasses and if you didn't wear them then wouldn't that be worse?


3) Are you clever? Geeky? Nerdy? Be proud of it!


4) I'm in college and I have my Lego (including Bionicle) on a shelf on display and under my bed. My roommate is fine with it and visitors think it is cool. You'll learn that now that you're out of middle school and people are maturing, you'll get teased less often about it. By the end of my senior year of high school my friends has accepted it and enjoyed the things I made.

I doubt you'll get little teasing about it if you have cool Lego to show people if they ever get disturbed by it. Tell them it's perfectly normal for someone to like Lego after the age of 10.



I posted that and thought I would stress it a little, although I probably could write a whole lengthy entry on it.

(Original topic.)


-CF :kakama:


Recommended Comments

I appreciate your saying this. People should know that self-assurance in clinging to these skills can be an attractive quality. If you're a sniveling twerp about people finding out you like Lego, you give them reason to think you're interest is obscene. The cool people are the ones who know who they are and are not afraid to show it.

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