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Calling All Jews!

Nuju Metru


Aren't you sick of all those Christmas-related topics? "How many posts will you have by Xmas?" "What sets do you expect to get for Christmas?" People should be more considerate, and could probably say "the Holidays" or "December."


-Nuju Metru


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Everyone should just wish everyone a happy Winter Solstice. No matter who you are, what traditions you uphold or what beliefs you hold dear, no one can deny that every year, there is a night that lasts longer than any of the other nights of the year. And that most of your winter holidays fall around this time, generally because of the Winter Solstice. No one except some of the pagans celebrate it directly for religious reasons, everyone is happy, and no one is happy.


Anyway, people are just nuts about the whole imagined "WAR ON CHRISTMAS". It's the ultimate in non-issues that people get angry about, just because they need something to vent their rage at.

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Happy December's a nice one. Nobody can -possibly- get offended over that (unless you don't like being happy?), and it includes everyone!


Or the Winter Solstice. That's good too.


I just wish everyone a happy whatever holiday it happens to be on a certain day. Happy Ramadan, everyone! :D

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Surely you can see this will end in an argument?


Yes, maybe so. I just wanted to say I think it's unfair.


Everyone should just wish everyone a happy Winter Solstice. No matter who you are, what traditions you uphold or what beliefs you hold dear, no one can deny that every year, there is a night that lasts longer than any of the other nights of the year. And that most of your winter holidays fall around this time, generally because of the Winter Solstice. No one except some of the pagans celebrate it directly for religious reasons, everyone is happy, and no one is happy.


Anyway, people are just nuts about the whole imagined "WAR ON CHRISTMAS". It's the ultimate in non-issues that people get angry about, just because they need something to vent their rage at.


I'm not venting rage, but I just dislike the fact that Christmas is one of the only religious holidays we get off, and that every holiday sale, decoration, and break has the word Christmas in it.


Then make a topic saying "How Many Posts Will You Get Before Hanukkah?"




Maybe I will.... :P


-Nuju Metru

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Well, the majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, whether or not they have beliefs in Christianity or Catholicism. Also why we call it Christmas break is because it stays the 25th of December, unlike Hanukkah, which moves about the Jewish Calendar.



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No argument has occured. O_o


I suppose I misjudged the people here.


Just ignore anything I say from now on. :D


Oh, don't worry: I already do. :P


-Nuju Metru

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