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Shards Of Alara



Well, for those of you who play Magic: The Gathering on any level other then casual, the Shards of Alara pre-release is coming up this weekend, and although it's not a super-powerful looking set, I'm still super-psyched. This is my first pre-release due to my location in texas not being particularly close to where they did hold the big pre-releases; and that segways to the issue of there not being any more traditional pre-releases. Although I've never personally been to one, I can really see there universal appeal to the crowd that does go to these massive events, playing in three to five events and just having an overall good time with a thousand other player. But there's another side to this; as a player whose never actually been to a pre-release, I'm quite excited at the fact that I'll be able to participate. I do think that the big pre-release's should return though, perhaps not at such a high level though, if an event drew half as many people as a regular pre-release, but there were more of them spread out over a larger area, I think it would be better for everyone.

Anyway, I've been reading up on the spoiler, and I've found a few things I'd be pretty happy to open at the pre-release (Aside from the obvious, IE: Any Mythic.)

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Ooze garden + Unearth: I wish that unearth would show up in more of junds colors, cause this has so much potential, it makes me sad that they're putting the shard restrictions on the pre-releases.

Exalted: This one is sort of obvious, but I think opening a strong enough exalted base in your sealed pool could lead to a deck that would just beat face at your tournament.

Pseudo Affinity: Although it would require a very artifact heavy sealed pool, I think this may be one of alaras strongest limited deck types Etherium Sculptor would be an absolute must though.

Ad nauseam: Hmm... certainly intriguing.

^^Contains alara spoilers^^


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*Sigh* The local comic shop closed down, so no Shards of Alara for me.

And no more playing on anything but casual without having to drive to Carda Magica in Montreal.

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