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Tbrpg Social Structures

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: This entry furthers, to some extent, the advice given in this blog entry by Robo.


A Text Based Role Playing Game, often abridged to TBRPGs and RPGs, is a unique "game" where people write about characters who are able to interact with each other. It's basically storytelling through more than one storyteller. Sometimes the storytellers know the direction of their stories, sometimes they don't.


RPGs have all the elements of a community, and like all communities, they often encounter the problem that they are unorganized. Nobody really likes anarchy, so some sort of order should be established. The simple answer usually used by most RPG owners is to just appoint one or more people to help them moderate the posts of the RPG. Basically, what they do it give power to a small amount of people in the RPG. From what I've seen, this power is never really a good thing. Although people might say that they mean well, they do get a little too cocky, perhaps not abusive of their power, but it's not altogether productive. Basically, when the only measures taken are to just form an elite group, whether it is for moderation or not, there becomes an unstable hierarchy of people just wanting the most power. It simply doesn't work at much as some people might might expect.


Really, this is an age old problem, and it applies to a simple RPG as much as the rest of the world. Basically giving people power does not work. It is much efficient if one establishes certain job departments to both balance the powers of the RPG and distribute the different responsibilities among the people, in which they can specialize themselves in. When things are balanced like this, people are better at their roles in the RPG community (other than their characters, of course, which is a whole different subject), since they are much simpler and specify in a certain field. Their responsibilities, if carefully chosen, will directly help the RPG run, unlike a simple hierarchy, in which moderators make those who aren't employed feel somewhat in their shadow with their power, which can be used for various different things...if they feel like it. Having a job makes a person feel much more special and important while in an RPG, which inideed they are, as it is nice for the RPG owner to have them contribute.


Perhaps most importantly is that if one particular person goes missing, whether they are on hiatus from the sight or their computer went down, only a fraction of the productivity is lost, it isn't as if the head of the serpent was cut off, but rather the finger (the finger of a human, not a snake). Their particular duty towards the order of the RPG might have been lost, but enough of the issues of the RPG will continued to be carried out thanks to the different responsibilities being evenly distributed. The RPG still runs smoothly and doesn't slow down as much. This contrasts with a hierarchy, where if a vital moderator is absent, the RPG begins to lag, and people will all pounce for the empty position.


BZPower itself, really, uses just this method. While most of the visible staff are moderators, they are still divided to cover certain boards where others can't. There are also the news reporters, and all of the people working behind the scenes to make BZP what it is. I share a similar vision for an RPG structure.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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Very nice. Your deduction of RPG superstructure and social structure is highly accurate. I agree to your assessment that compartmentalized tasks/jobs distributed over a large group rather than overall power distributed to a small hierarchy would in fact be a rather efficient method of moderation.


But I also submit the fact that such a method may not be suitable for all RPGs. But then, no system of moderation and/or governing can be set in stone for all RPGs, as game flow, plot devices, and player characteristics will call for different systems. But as a generic rule, you are on to something here. I take it you plan to initialize something of this sort for your upcoming (though not yet approved) RPG?

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Hrrm. You are really starting to [make me] doubt my abilities now. xD



Anyways, I agree with all this stuff that both you are Robo said. I just chose not to use that plan. I like to know what is happening when and how, and I also like to be in charge (with restrictions, OFC; I am never like a tyrant, I hope). If I am absent, I appoint lieutenants. Never less than two, however, because I do not like a single person to have control over my work, though I made a sort of exception with appointing Robo once.


Edit: major correction in my first line, lol.



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Hrrm. You are really starting to [make me] doubt my abilities now. xD



Anyways, I agree with all this stuff that both you are Robo said. I just chose not to use that plan. I like to know what is happening when and how, and I also like to be in charge (with restrictions, OFC; I am never like a tyrant, I hope). If I am absent, I appoint lieutenants. Never less than two, however, because I do not like a single person to have control over my work, though I made a sort of exception with appointing Robo once.


Edit: major correction in my first line, lol.





And I admit I made a mistake during my time in charge. But i didn't do too bad a job I hope.

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I take it you plan to initialize something of this sort for your upcoming (though not yet approved) RPG?


:kaukau:Although it's taking a frustratingly long time, yes. I still think that moderation is important, but I thought that there were many other things that needed to be covered. Here's what I currently have in mind for my upcoming RPG.



Employee: Emperor Kraggh

Description: I basically run the RPG.



Employee: Robo

Description: I cannot read every post, so there is a chance that I'll miss something that breaks the rules. This person has permission to judge rule breakers. However, their word is always second to mine.



Employee: [none]

Description: I've noticed a lot in my last RPG that the first page has gone unedited for a long time after something happens to contradict it. Chances are that I will forget to add more information after it has been revealed, forget to add a new affiliation, or forget something else. It is the responsibility of the editor to spot things that need to be changed. Also, they are to help out with the Chronicler and the Scholar, which are explained below.



Employee: [none]

Description: I don't know about you, but I often walk in on an RPG after a temporary break and find out that I have no clue what's going on. Also, it would be useful for new people joining in this RPG after it's been up for a while to know what's going on, because looking through the first 30 pages takes way too long. For this reason, I will be searching for a Chronicler to make a post that summarizes the stories of all the posts and will keep on updating it as the RPG progresses. It's a good way of telling what's going on. I will keep links to the posts of all people who have ever held this job.



Employee: [none]

Description: Often new worlds, affiliations, and other notable facts are introduced to the RPG, basically expanding its world, that don't really find their place in this first post. I have also noticed that sometimes these facts, especially the small ones, can be forgotten and even completely go unknown by those who haven't read about these facts. I will appoint someone, or even some people, to start the Amakor RPG Encyclopedia Project. Their main posts, which I will provide links for, will be organized alphabetically and will include a table of contents at the top of the post. Things that should be added to the knowledge base should include more known detail about affiliations, planets, technologies, magics, species, cultures, and certain notable characters. It's the place to learn more on a particular subject. I will provide links for when such a project has started.


I am considering breaking the moderator role into two parts for several reasons, all of which have been mentioned in the blog entry. I believe that it might be more efficient if one moderator is assigned a certain part of the rules to moderate and while the other moderates for the other half of the rules.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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I am considering breaking the moderator role into two parts for several reasons, all of which have been mentioned in the blog entry. I believe that it might be more efficient if one moderator is assigned a certain part of the rules to moderate and while the other moderates for the other half of the rules.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh[/color]


Here here! :lol:


By that I of course mean 'Good idea' and 'I agree'

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I hope whoever gets appointed to those positions has lots of online-time, Kraggh, or simply can keep good tabs on the RPG.


As for roles in RPGs, I find that I love creating villains. I have an easier time connecting with them for some reason. Examples are in both of the only two RPGs I can stay active in - To Save the World! and Reality. I think the better example is in the first, however.



Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

:t: :m_o: :c:

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I hope whoever gets appointed to those positions has lots of online-time, Kraggh, or simply can keep good tabs on the RPG.


:kaukau:I hope so too. I realize that some of those positions are pretty tall orders and might not be filled.


Anyways, as Robo said earlier, the basic principles proposed in this blog entry, while theoretically being a good standard, will not work for every TBRPG. Some RPGs put a specific emphasis on the G, and the purpose of the game is sometimes to simply win. Perhaps victory would be considered to get oneself as high up on the hierarchy as possible. However, most TBRPGs are not like that.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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