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I Dunno What This Title Should Be *shrugs*



When I do watch TV something weird is always on.


Anyway, gah I need to have something to do, but all of my MoCing pieces are STILL in boxes and I'm too lazy to go look for them T_T


My notebooks are full so I can't doodle T_T


Everyone's dead at this time on BZP so no hope here except to post around in topics and maybe make 3000 posts by the end of the day *sigh*


No movies as I've seen all the ones here already.


Outside is too frickin' cold, and I left my jacket in the car ><


Friends aren't able to do anything due to the fact that they are getting prepared for either an in school trial, or na actual trial for what happened. (They are witnesses and one is the victim) so no hope there either.


I might write something... I'm just not in the mood to finish what I was already making.


Morning sux.


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Is this about the wall with random metal pieces, the bad joke about a farmer, the 'dead' snake, the flaming microwave, or (and this is a stretch) the kid who got beat up? :mellow:


Aaaanyway, I haz nuthing moar two saye.

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The last thing.


I can't sue a snake... Microwave can't sue me... Cops put the trial together, I dunno if it's an in school one or not though.

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