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'splaing Bionicle In School...

Jedi Gali


I haven't talked about BIONICLE in school much, only mentioned stories I've written to my best friends. Never to just random (not entirely) people I don't know well. So of late, I've been talking to my friend about my SS, Confessions of a Dark Hunter, written about above. I mentioned to her today in English class that I had finished it, and so as we were talking, another girl was listening. It turns out she wants to read it and then another girl wanted to read it. :rolleyes:


I'm thinkin', "You're not gonna understand, but okay." And I say it too. :D The one girl says in a joking way, "what?". Like, you think I can't read or something? Then I explain how there are lots of terms and lingo in this particular story that they wouldn't understand. But they want to read it anyway so I whipped out the copy I had with me and let her take a look.


First question, "What's a widget?" and then, "What's a Matoran?" After not too long, she hands it the other girl. I figure it might help to give a little background on the Dark Hunters. (I also explained Toa) I then explain how this is a criminal organization that does dirty work for people. They're like, "Hit men?" Then another guy pipes in (maybe he didn't hear), "Like hit men?"


It was kinda a funny experience...


:kaukau: -JG


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