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I had the strangest dream last night that combined some reality, with some last minute discussions, along with my own little fantasy world.


In the beginning of this odd thing, the character I created for my book- Anavrin- was basically caught after seemingly long hard efforts of work, just to break out and fly far far awaaaaayyyy. (Anavrin is a Harpy jsyk) basically, I was seeing things through her perspective, which was interesting and will be fun to end up writing something about.


After going over two large foresty and shrub filled areas, the pursuers stopped with the ability of not going nay further, and she landed inbetween the forest place, and what appeared to be a farmland with really big crops.


Someone to the side screamed, which caught her attention and a large sized scorpion covered with some gooey shtuff had pretty much ripped this person's throat out and went inside for shelter from a large snake that was looking for the meal. In a simple way this made Anavrin (I could say me as I was basically controlling things, but it makes me feel weird doing so) feel curious, but had the wit to get up and fly away.


This ended up with her inevitably getting hit by something and struggling in a small body of water (doesn't know how to swim in this case) and was thrashing about looking back on it you could say it was entertaining. I forgot how exactly she ended up out of the water, but her wings were sopping wet and she always constantly tried to dry them off out of the fear that the group of people she was getting away from would pop back up.


-That was the end to the sequence when it all made sense to fit together, however the next part just kinda popped out of nowhere-


This time, it was a male Harpy and once again I was seeing through his perspective of things, but this was set in the modern day world versus my made up fairy tale land. This guy had a similiar experience with water, and was trying to stay away from the authorities of whom thought he was a threat to the public.


The feeling of wind on wings is rather interesting from what my mind told me, as i basically felt emotionally, and physically everything he did for the most part, and wet wings dun feel comfy- flying well to my mind of course- fun. (I have no idea what it actually feels like, but my mind conjured up a probable feel to it)


And so, he ended up flying from people, and failed to recieve help from anyone and so he flew towards the home where I lived (previously) and stole the mail man's merchandise in order to find something useful to blend in with.


ended up with a bunch of lego sets and feeling very ticked off. And that's when my alarm went off and I was all like "Kewl."



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My dreamz made my sister scream two days ago. I also merited the O.o look from several people.


This one was magically realistic.

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I remember an old dream I had where I fell off a really tall balcony that didn't exist in real life.


It was weird because I didn't feel really scared, just my heart was beating really fast as I fell and I saw the stairs on the walls around me that I climbed up, and then right before I hit the ground, I woke up, and I woke up in the sitting position with my heart beating like crazy and I freaked out about what could possibly have caused me to have a dream like that, because I'd had the dream before, and not just once. It was weird. I never figured it out but it was a long time ago.


Oh, and also I had a dream about being in Walmart with my whole family, like, everybody who comes to family reunions, you know? And we all split up and wandered the store, and I found a sale bin with a bunch of N64 games I'd never heard of, then I ended up in an N64 game that had Toa running around trying to find game boards.


Dreams are weird.

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