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As previously stated, I was invited to my university's Ballroom Dance Society. 'K. I've been playing with the idea in my head for a while but just never did anything with it. Y'know, introvertness and all.


But I had some friends going so I might as well. First beginner lesson is free, and if you want to go back it's $15 per semester for beginner lessons each week. But my friends enjoyed it and it wasn't as bad as I was nervous about. Very basic lessons, tons of noobs like me (can I have that written on my head please? It'll save people the trouble.) and I enjoyed it.


Title of this entry? Last night we learned some basic salsa steps. The full basic, a half basic with a turn, a half turn thing and then another in the other direction, and then a turn thing in one direction where the girl actually turns and then, to make it even more confusing, you have the option of going in the other direction with another turn. But I digress, I got the hang of some of it by the end, and I wasn't the only one that this was new to. Friday night the Campus Activities Board is sponsoring a salsa night with lessons an hour before, so I guess, if my friends are going too, I'll go and learn some more/refresh and get better. (But I've never been one for dances. But hey, at least I know what I'm doing , as opposed to before at school dances. Ung.)


But I had fun. And I really want to work on getting out of my comfort zone.


-CF :kakama:

Currently rockin' out to: LOOP & LOOP by Asian Kung-Fu Generation


Quote of the Day: Always remember you’re unique. Just like everybody else.


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