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Around And Around



A v ^, A v ^!

Yeah. So I borrowed Ocarina of Time the other Wednesday, and it's sort of encapsulated my life since then. I'm up to Ganondorf's castle as of now. Lasttime I played was a ood 2-3 years ago, and I never did get past the Fire Temple - I was stuck at a ledge that I couldn't figure out how to climb up. I saw a pattern on the wall and figured it must be a block I had to break with the Megaton Hammer, and searched the entire temple thoroughly for the hammer that was actually beyond that "unreachable" door. Turns out all I had to do was jump from the side. That and other fatally stupid mistakes during that rental period played were swiftly unmistaked this time around.

Neeways, of course I've got that song every OoT player has known to love replaying over and over in my head. Who could resist such a giddy-yet-somber tune? Especially one that's the subject of a time-travel paradox?

For those of you ob-li-vi-us, I'm teeking bot the Song of Storms. The SOS. Send-Out-Sard'de'.

Speeching of Sard'de'... ah well. I'll save his Ippish tale for an actual Ippish tale.

Around and around and around! Woo! I love to go around!



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But...I never did beat OoT. I could never get past the Water Temple. << I got stuck there -every time-.


The first Zelda, and Wind Waker are the only Zelda games I've ever beaten. And I don't care what everyone else says, Wind Waker was one heckuva game.

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I actually did the water temple surprisingly easily - I was prepared with the notion that it was going to be confusing as heck, so I immediately memorized the places where the water level had to be changed, and how to get to them. I then understood the exact process when I needed to get to a certain room. The only place I had trouble on was, well, of course you know it.
Dark Link.

But after several deaths, I discovered the secret - DON'T Z TARGET. Just Hack hack hack!

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