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No! Arpy beat me to the first BrickCon Blog entry!

Oh well.

BrickCon was a success!

I got to meet a few awesome BZPers. Roa, Arpy, xccj, and Kopakanui. I didn't really get around to talking to Cajun or Binkmeister, but Binky commented on my BZP brick on my brick badge.

Okay, I'll start from the top. Day One:

I wanted to leave Vancouver at about 8:00 a.m., but we ended up leaving at around nine. The wait at the border was about half and hour, unfortunately, but oh well. We arrived at BC (BrickCon, if you haven't figured it out) at about one thirty. We checked in, got a bag full of various things including two Duplo Promo Bricks, a brick to get into the Scratch & Dent, a map of the convention, a schedule, some samples of custom weapons from an organization I'm not sure I'm supposed to mention, and some other stuff. I said hi to Roa, set up my stuff, and went to the 'Buildling BIG" roundtable. I mentioned a secret project I'll start in a few years, why I couldn't make it minifig scale (it would be about three and a half metres long - that's roughly a dozen feet), and I learned a few things, as well as a new word - "sticktion" :P (as opposed to "friction").

Anyways, after that there was a bit of time to wander around and stuff. I had to go up to the front desk to ask a question (already forgot what the question was, heh), at which time Arpy was just checking in. He recognized me because of my brick badge. I helped him set up his Pantsbots and hung around with him for a while after that. The opening ceremony was awesome. They gave away about forty various sets and books, of which Arpy and I got none, but Roa got some medium-sized Castle set or something. Some people from The Lego Group talked a bunch, and we got to see a new awesome Castle set with turkeys, chickens, frogs, and a bunch of other awesomesause things. We all then went to the Lego Store, but Arpy couldn't come, so he gave me ninety dollars for me to pick up the Agents MCC for him. I also got the T9 at forty percent off and a bunch of pieces from the Brickwall for another secret project that ARPY CAN'T MENTION.

Day Two:

Got there at about ten. Let's see here, what happened today? I hung out with Arpy and Roa, got meet Kopakanui... Oh, the Public Hours! xccj stopped by, so I talked to him for a little while. At the end of the day, we rearranged the Bionicle table into an "epic fight scene," to quote Arpy, which was fun. The awards ceremony was today as well. I won Top Medium Bionicle for me MOC of Bitil. I've changed him a lot since I posted the topic. Arpy got Top Small Bionicle for SPOT, Kopakanui got Top Big Bionicle for his Saint Nickickle or whatever it's called, and some other guy got Top Micro Bionicle for his something-rather. Then they continued the giveaway thing. I got a book called "Forbidden Lego" (Arpy and I were both hoping we wouldn't get a book, but luckily this was just about the best of the books. It has instructions on five or six various exceedingly dangerous technic models that were scrapped as sets by TLC, my favourite of which was the High Velocity Automatic Lego Plate Dispenser. It can fire fourteen 1x8 tiles at very high speeds in less than eight seconds). Arpy got that green City crane thing.

Day Three:

Got there at about eleven. Not much happened today. I attended the "Roundtable on BrickCon" where basically we talked about what we liked, what could be improved on, changed, etc. I brought up a few points. The MOC Cards didn't have descriptions on them, so I brought that up, and everyone agreed that was a major mess-up. We also were discussing the Public Exhibition and the times of it and stuff; apparently it was from eleven until four last year, but this year it only went until three. A few people were annoyed by that because they showed up at three thinking they had until four, but actually the Exhibition was already closing down (from now on, "Exhibition" means Public Hours, and "Convention" or "Con" means Private Hours). People were saying that we could shorten it to twelve until three, but others disagreed. I suggested putting the Exhibition hours on the giant sign outside. People also brought up how difficult it was to get Exhibition people out of the building when Public Hours were over - apparently some Exhibition people stayed until six. One idea was that two big guys would just slowly walk down the isles with their arms streched out to the sides, slowly herding people towards the exit :P . That would have been pretty funny, but I don't think they ended up doing that this year. Maybe next year :P . The closing ceremony was okay. Arpy and I didn't really stay for the whole thing, since we had to pack up and stuff.

Sometime during the day I was able to go to the Brick Bazaar and get a few useful pieces - eighteen frogs for my upcoming Frogspace stuff, ten purple flame pieces, and two of those rings with a bunch of tools attached to it.

We left at about five or five thirty. I said goodbye to Arpy, Roa, and KN (xccj was only there for the Public Hours). It took us about three and a half hours to get back to Vancouver. There was only about a two minute wait at the border this time, which was good.

Did I mention Hahli Husky and Alsru Toa of Honor were there at the Exhibition on Saturday? I think not. Now I have, though, hm?

There was a wwwhhhooollleee bunch of other stuff - this is just some basic coverage. I'll let Arpy and Roa do the rest of it :P .

- :l: :flagcanada:


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High Velocity Automatic Lego Plate Dispenser. It can fire fourteen 1x8 tiles at very high speeds in less than eight seconds

Awesome. You are going to build this and post pics, right?

eighteen frogs for my upcoming Frogspace stuff, ten purple flame pieces



Sounds like sooo much fun. I need to save up and go to a con. Maybe next year?


Oh well. My spirit was there. :P



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I can't mention it because I either forgot about it or you never told me.


And hey, chanting "donotwant" totally worked! For me, anyway. But at least you didn't get, like, the NXT book.


Purple flames are <3.

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LOL, yes, your "Epic fight scene" setup was really cool today! Glad to have met ya. :)



Indeed. 'Twas awesome talking to you :) .


High Velocity Automatic Lego Plate Dispenser. It can fire fourteen 1x8 tiles at very high speeds in less than eight seconds

Awesome. You are going to build this and post pics, right?

eighteen frogs for my upcoming Frogspace stuff, ten purple flame pieces



Sounds like sooo much fun. I need to save up and go to a con. Maybe next year?


Oh well. My spirit was there. :P



If I get the right pieces, then yes. I need things like a motor, battery box, etc. But eventually I will.


Yes, you do need to come.

I can't mention it because I either forgot about it or you never told me.


And hey, chanting "donotwant" totally worked! For me, anyway. But at least you didn't get, like, the NXT book.


Purple flames are <3.

Really? Strange. I did tell you. All the red 2x4s?


Yeah, I was lucky with that. Oh, and my dad got a Lego Store Gift Certificate thing worth ten dollars, which I put to good use when I bought the T3 on our way back to Vancouver. I hardly had to use any cash for the T3, since BrickCon Attendees get 25% off everything.




ZOMG I forgot something. Did I mention that BRICKFEST IS BACK in March in Portland?


No. But Arpy did.


I'll probably be going.


- :l: :flagcanada:


Edit: And Bunda, as I mentioned before, the MOC Cards didn't have any descriptions on them, so the credit I gave you for the head design on one of my MOCs didn't show up.

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