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Some People Are Lucky

Pakari Master of Limn


...They have to deal with school and their social life.

I have to deal with school and a lack thereof.


It seems that with every passing moment, I get further and further from the people I used to call my friends, and closer and closer to complete and total loneliness.


It's not like the school I go to helps either. I go to a school for kids with "problems." By "problems," I mean violence, drugs, you name it. This school goes from middle school to high school. I used to have some problems that I pretty much am in control of now. They were the worst during the summer following my seventh grade year, and thus I have been at my current school ever since.


So basically, I knew my "friends" from 3rd to 7th grade, and then POOF! we all started drifting apart. If you are up for anologies, it was like a meteor hit the crust of our friendship, but I was the only one that broke off and started moving away.


But yeah, my school doesn't have anything social. No sports teams, no proms, not even a simple party. And I mean, these kids, even if they did have proms and stuff, would probably be doing all kinds of drugs and whatnot, and I'm not down with that.


I see my friends sometimes at my church (I can say that, right? It's a location.). It's always, "Hi john" or "how are you john?". If you really cared how I was, you would have called me a couple times or something.


I'm coming to realize that I can't just sit at a computer all day like I was directly plugged into the CPU. I need a social life. The more I realize that, the more depressed I get.


I want a friend that I can count on when I need help.


I want a friend who will look up to me and who I can help.


I want a friend who encourages the rest of us to do stupid stuff just for the heck of it.


I want a friend who has troubles with his family and that the rest of us could help.


I want a friend who can be a computer whiz and who can program just about anything.


I want friends who are kind to me, and thus I show mutual respect to them.


And I want these friends to never leave my side no matter what kind of hardship that we as a group or we as individuals go through.


But alas, for me, this is all just a hope, a wish, an intangible dream. I am seemingly doomed to a lifetime of solitude.


~Giganuva Upsilon


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There IS hope. I honestly know how you feel though. Lonely and all. It took awhile for me to actually gain friends but I did. Keep trying, if you need a friend I'll be it. Of course I already am. :P



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If you want a friend, you have to be a friend. This means expecting people to forget about you but not forgetting about them. My husband is really good at this. He's maintained friendships with people going all the way back to grade school. Most of them never call, but they're always happy to hear from him when he calls them.


Me, I'm better at forgetting about people and getting wrapped up in my day-to-day life. I really should make more of an effort to keep in touch with people. My best friend from college was killed in an automobile accident, and I didn't hear about it till a year later. I really wish I'd made the effort to maintain our friendship.


~Toa Macku~

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