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Brent's B-day And You'll Never Believe This

The Fallen Amph




This entry is going to talk about the events of last night, but before you think this won't be "interesting… You're wrong.


Ok, yesterday was Brent's birthday party (happy freaking 13th). We were going to see Eagle Eye, then have dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings (J), the go back to his grandparent's house to have a sleep over and play games and stuff.


The people who went are people mentioned in past entries: Me, Andrew, Trevor, and Chase. Along with Brent's brother, Cameron.


So Brent's dad picked me up at my house along with Andrew at 3:10. We went to his grandparent's to drop off our stuff (I brought my camera, cuz we were planning on documenting his birthday), and waited there until 4-ish til the movie started.


The movie rocked! Very action-y and freaky.


Onto, Buffalo Wild Wings (if you don't know what it is, it's a chicken wing place sports bar), where were having cake and presents and stuff. For about a couple of minutes, we all tried to get Superman out of a plushy machine. :P Then, Chase and Trevor went to go play this hunting simulation game. It was Andrew, Brent, Cameron, and I sitting at a table, and we were bored. I had 5 dimes in my pocket, so I made up a game called "dimes", where one person is the ref and he asks the other people "Heads or Tails", then if the guess the right answer, they get a dime. If they tie with someone, they do the same thing.


After a couple minutes we stopped. No one was talking to me so I mellowed out. Andrew went to the bathroom…


About 2 minutes later, he comes up to me out of breath:



Me: Dude, what's wrong with you?

Andrew: Amanda's HERE!!!!

Me: … Dude, no… no she's not.

Andrew: YES!

Brent + Cameron: Really?

*Goes and checks*

Them: Yeah, she is! Over by the bathrooms!

Me: Fine. I have to wash my hands anyway. But, if you're lying, I'm not taking this bullc### anymore.


So me and Andrew started walking towards the bathroom. As I turned the corner, I ate my words.


She was there. Out of ALL of the people in my grade that I knew that could've been there, she was. She was there with, what seemed to be, her dad and… I don't know. Bad eyesight. :P


I went into the bathroom and the first thing I said to Andrew was, "I don't care who hears. ####."


It's weird. I've always imagined this happening while buying a Bionicle or something. :P


We got back to the table. This is where the "fun" begins. All of the people there knew about her and I. Once Brent told me they were seated, everyone, at random moments, were always walking by or near them to annoy me.


But to tell you the truth, I enjoy these moments. I only get angry when they actually endanger the situation.


Back to the story, Brent now tells me that they're friends (not, you know… He's actually told me very clearly he doesn't), and that they said hi to each other, and that it is not that hard.


Also, I don't know if this is an insult or not (or if she means me), but he also said that she asked him, "Who's that blonde girl sitting near you?" *points at personal photo* Luckily, I'm getting a hair cut tomorrow.


But, I think this is what steals it. A bit later on, Brent passed them and he said it kind of looked and sounded like her friend was pressuring her to go over to where we (Ahem… I) were. He heard her say she didn't want to cause she was too afraid.


Also, I had a habit of looking over to where she was, and most of the time, when I looked, she was (sorta, 79% chance, I don't know) peeking over the wall (You know, those things that are in between booths in a restaurant?) at me…


Anyway, once chase and Trevor knew (And Brent's dad chimed in) everyone started chanted my name. I just slouched in my chair in an embarrassed/happy way.


I'm just hoping she didn't see what I got Brent—I got him a Barbie doll as a joke but the present was Premium Series Ironhide (>< Hey, he said he wanted it).


Well now we know more, right?






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This is how I reacted:

Beginning: Are we twins or something? I just went to my friend's birthday today. Weird...

When Brent first told you about Amanda: My heart stopped. Almost literally.

###: Amph curses? Wow.

Blonde girl: Ouch. That is most certainly an insult, sorry to say.

Too afraid to come over: Bad sign IMO.

Looking: That could go either way. If she looked fearful, bad sign. If she looked innocent or casual/fake casual, good sign.


Oh dear.


Okay, all I can say is: you've been putting it off too long. If you never tell her, things will just get worse. If the looking thing is bad (like I think it is, unfortunately), then she probably still thinks you like her. While you do, once you do the new leaf thing, you should be more suttle, to stop situations like that.

Good luck. If you procrastinate, however, I will no longer have a twin. :evilgrin:


BTW, I ran into a girl from my school today at Target. Luckily, no Bionicle, parents, or embarassing sister. I don't like her because she's shallow, but she's pretty. Nothing new in my life with her(easier name, huh?), except I'm thinking of asking her to go bowling with me and my friend. My dad's idea; he's no too bad when it comes to advice, except he teases me when he gives it.


If you really really want to find out her name, PM me.

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When Brent first told you about Amanda: My heart stopped. Almost literally.

Join the club man. BTW, it was Andrew who told me.


###: Amph curses? Wow.


It's a habit I'm trying to break. It's not real serious, but I'd just like it to stop to an extent.

Too afraid to come over: Bad sign IMO.


Please explain my friend. I was thinking that she was afraid like I am.


Looking: That could go either way. If she looked fearful, bad sign. If she looked innocent or casual/fake casual, good sign.


It was the casual look.

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When Brent first told you about Amanda: My heart stopped. Almost literally.

Join the club man. BTW, it was Andrew who told me.


###: Amph curses? Wow.


It's a habit I'm trying to break. It's not real serious, but I'd just like it to stop to an extent.

Too afraid to come over: Bad sign IMO.


Please explain my friend. I was thinking that she was afraid like I am.


Looking: That could go either way. If she looked fearful, bad sign. If she looked innocent or casual/fake casual, good sign.


It was the casual look.


1. Okay, Andrew. :P


2. Okay. Good lcuk with that.


3. Well, I thought she was afraid becuase she was afraid to see you because she thought you still liked her.


4. Casual? Oh thank goodness. Maybe she does kinda like you.


My advice still stands as is.

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