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Now I know of the other two projects I have on my hands (Refer to the Entry before last if you don't know what I mean)




There was this AIM discussion you see, involving three members (one of them being me ^^) and it talked about the current storyline and what we three didn't care for and would like to have back. That was the original topic, which then slid into the topic of "Are you planning on doing an Alternate Version of Bionicle? If so, then what would be some things you'd change?"


There were many great ideas and things sprung from this, heck during this discussion I came up with what I'd do with the Ignika and the Mask of Time along with Vezon respectively. The Great Beings, Artahka, and Karzahni also popped up in my mind as well.


Now I was thinking of having my own version of the Bionicle universe, but change certain things and events to make it be like something I'd enjoy.


So instead of the Boxor being the "Corpsemobile" as stated in this chat (Av Matoran can become Bohrock, and what is a Boxor made out of? Hmmm?) I could remake the Av Matoran going Bohrock thingy as that's not quite the thing I enjoy about the line.


I also need to come up with some aspects of Mata-Nui and what is staying "Myth" and what is going to become "Faction" (A combination of "Fiction" and "Fact")


There's gonna be a load of planning for this that I may be able to do from time to time and anything that would be final I doubt would come into play this, or next year. I just need to get some of the basic ideas down. Now I'm not rewriting the whole dang thing, I'm just modifying some events and stuff which may be history altering and setting my own little people to play in this universe.


Just a fun thing.


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My entire storyline is an alternate storyline. And it's not at all the same, I just jacked a couple elements from the normal one. Seriously, I have plot from every year minus 05 cuz it sucked changed, completely different, with new and old elements of story.

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I made an alternate story once. I started right after the Toa Mahri got transported to Mata Nui.


Mata Nui got awoken, but he was so sick that he couldn't hold the universe together. Another Cataclysm occurred, presumably killing the Mahri and injuring a few of the Nuva. They had to repair, and built mechs out of rubble from the Cataclysm so they could fight Makuta's mech armies, which were thrown together quickly.


Kopaka was actually killed, and he wound up in the same place as Mata Nui, who told him to go to Artahka and get his life back. So he went there and came back to help his friends, only he wasn't really alive. He got ghost powers. =)


Nuju was in Kini Nui, and absorbed energy from the Cataclysm, becoming a Toa again. And he built a mech.


I was gonna build some mechs, but I only ever finished the ones for Takanuva and Nuju. I might still, though. I'm still doing the post-apocalypse Toa.

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