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The Playstation 3



You might have heard of the Playstation 3, a new gaming system from Sony.


My brother got one for his birthday last year. It cost about 600$.


You might have also heard of the Visa card. Each time you use it, you generate Gold card points. Now roughly 20,000 Gold Card points = 100$. So we accumulated 90,000 points this year.


Now a PS3 these days costs 450 dollars. Mind you, you don't pay any REAL money when using gold card points, you just use your gold card points, which are pretty much useless for anything except buying PS3s. So we bought one.


If you have caught on, you'll have figured out that we now have two PS3s.


Yaydoogle. I am now officially overstocking on gaming equipment. XD


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Wait, there are versions? I think the bigger one... Actually...


Some of the games save points are like a 1000 gbs. Nearly a terabyte. XD

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Wait, there are versions? I think the bigger one... Actually...


Some of the games save points are like a 1000 gbs. Nearly a terabyte. XD

Woah, that's huge. The Wii can hold 3000 save files on half a gig. o_O


Yeah, there are different versions of the PS3, one with 80 gigs.



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