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Crisis Management



Last night, I dreamed it was my turn to be hotel manager. One of the maids came to me with a burned-out light bulb. Said she couldn't find one to replace it. I ordered a search of the supply room -- nothing but dead bulbs. Could have just gone to the hardware store and bought a fresh supply, except the hotel's light fixtures all used a special type of bulb that was only available at one particular store -- that had just been bought out from the edge of bankruptcy by a big chain. Needless to say, they'd dropped the shelf-warming specialty bulbs from their inventory. Problem -- who to blame? The guy responsible for the choice of non-standard light fixtures in the first place, of course: former hotel manager John McCain. I asked him what he'd been thinking, hadn't he seen this coming? He started muttering some dodgy answer and I cut him off: "Quit making excuses and do something about it!" Of course, the old man was in no position to fix the problem -- I was just venting. I knew perfectly well it would mean an overhaul of the hotel lighting system. I didn't know if we could afford it, and I suspected not. I was afraid of what a look at the hotel's financial records would reveal. The sequence ended there, unresolved. Would we sit there and watch the hotel go dark, room by room, or would we stand up and "do something?" I have no idea.


What do you make of that? :???:




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I'd say Freud would be laughing his manic psychoanalyst head off right about now.

Let's set the record straight here: Freud may not have been right about everything, but the man was a great pioneer in his field, not some maniac. Psychoanalysis probably isn't what most people think it is. It's a tool with the potential to offer valuable insight into a person's inner world. With that said, I don't think you need to be a psychoanalyst to see the humour in this dream. :)


I make political discussion of it. :X

No. :uhuh: It's a dream I had, period.


I take it that you don't like Obama. :)


:) :) :)

Huh? Obama wasn't in my dream. McCain was. And I've already said everything I'm going to say on which candidate I prefer.


I don't see the potential for this to become much of anything but a political discussion, so I'm thanking you guys for your comments and locking this thread. People are free to PM me if they want to have that discussion. I'm not here to push my opinions, only to express them -- within the guidelines governing the use of this site.



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