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Rough day.

Calculus sucks.

Then I had to read 130+ pages of some book I didn't want to read. That's a whole nother blog entry that will start to get politically incorrect.

Then I found out I have a 3-5 page paper due on Thursday on the same topic as above due Thursday. The worst part is I have to go to the "Writing Center" to get it checked over. But if I don't start it until tomorrow night and nobody can check it for me on Thursday, I'm screwed. But I don't have time to start it tonight so I can't have them check it tomorrow.

So instead of doing lotsa homework, I'm surfing, because I definitely need a stress reliever. Soon I'll go to dinner, then do some service by making uber amounts of PB&J, then I'll study with a group for my French test tomorrow which isn't too bad, then I'll come back to my room to start the essay but since I'll be on the computer I'll be drawn back online.


But! to calm down, I'm listening to some music I know will always put me in a better mood. Just finished Pat McGee Band, listening to Jason Mraz, and will soon move to Nami Tamaki. Aaaahhhhh.......

Fall break next weekend is going to so nice, even if I am around my parents.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Great minds think alike. However, I don't think.


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"We tell him to go away, and away he goes! Precious, precious..." :sarcastic:


To be truely miserable, add an ear infection to your list. I am so glad I don't have to take any more english... long essays and math homework do not mix well. One or the other, maybe, but both. Bleh.



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