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Gosh What An Exciting Life



I do feel rather like blogging just the sake of blogging, instead of advertising. I suppose I'd best talk about my vaguely interesting life, or something.


So I started uni a few weeks ago. Graphic Design. Class of 20 students, ranging from me (18 years old) to Chris (30-something years young). It's actually pretty cool, as we make such an interesting group. We went on a trip to Brighton as an icebreaker, and needless to say, it was absolute win. We gathered together into little groups on the coach there, and Seran was absorbed into the Goths and Stylish people group. Which is totally awesome.


So there we were, Seran, Stylish Mike, and Goth girls Emma and Ally, wandering around Brighton, doing everything other than the things we were meant to be doing, namely photographing typefaces and things. We went to the beach, we toured the length of Brighton Pier, ate ice cream, took amusing photos of Seran and Mike on the children's train ride thing, bought 20 sticks of rock, including an entertainingly Gothic black and red one. Ally bought that one. We also managed to lose Mike inside a cafe, when he popped in to get a drink, and filmed the pidgeons meandering around a fountain when we stopped for lunch.


We were late for our first lecture on Tuesday, when Ally and Emma invited me to go shopping with them...we had several hours in town, and only a 20 minute walk to the uni, but still, we got carried away buying about £500 worth of shoes, shirts, folders, sandwiches, and a Wall-e toy from the Disney Store. Yes. I also found out that Emma's sunglasses suit Seran bizarrely well.


Also, Mike likes Lego. He invited (read - we invited ourselves) over to his flat for lunch one day, and he kindly made us (read - was forced into making) ham sandwiches and noodles. Ally also managed to leave with her hair smelling of sausages, but that's a different story.


Seran also bought a 32 inch, cuddly toy squid, called Kraken, obviously. Because squids are awesome. And he's ADORABLE.


Today Seran had lunch with all the girls, and we discussed everything from Polo mints to guys. Ally gave me some crisps so I bought her a biscuit, then we made a mess of the cookie Emma gave us, and put the crumb-filled wrapper into Mike's bag.


He never noticed.




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