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Lunchtime Madness



So, it was lunch time, perfectly normal until someone buys lunch and sits down. Now, he pulls out this cookie, but see it is not a normal cookie, oh no.


It was soggy and flabby like what some people can jiggle around by flinging their arms around. He ate the thing.


It literally stuck his mouth shut and he couldn't speak.


Oh and another time he is about to sit down when the pricipal is all like "What's in your sleeves?"


He pulls out two corndogs.


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I used to steal lunchroom food all the time


pitas under the plate, drop the biscuits into the pocket, JUICE IN THE PANTS


Unless this guy had some ulterior motive for having corndogs in his shirt...

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I once stole food. But at my school, that is GFT. You do that, and they tell your parents you just got a F on your test. Bunch of liers... >.>

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I used to steal lunchroom food all the time


pitas under the plate, drop the biscuits into the pocket, JUICE IN THE PANTS


Unless this guy had some ulterior motive for having corndogs in his shirt...

lol, and this guy goes to my school.


The cookie stealing...ah...those were the good ol' days...you put the cookies:

Under the pizza

Under the tray

Under another cookie

Under a ton of ketchup packets

In your freakin mouth (only works if they don't look at your face)


You could maximize your cookie level by like, 400% or more.


And once, I just got up there, got a milk, they told me to wait to pay for it, they never called me up again, so ai got a freeh milk!

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Lol, rip off the top of a biscuit, then shove it inside another biscuit <3


It's what I do when the school has biscuits at lunch lol

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In my school, there's one line for food that you can pick out (you can get, like, a piece of pizza for $1.25, but anyway), and a line for the menu food of the day. You have to put in your "student code" into this machine and then there's a person at the machine who charges your account for your food. The machine is conveniently placed for the menu-fooders, but the food-bar-ers have to go over there too, so what you do is you go to the food bar, grab a pizza, then go to the menu-food-line, hide behind someone so the camera in the corner can't see you eat your fod before checking out, then you get to the front of the line, pretend you didn't know what was for lunch today, act like it's totally gross and you don't want to eat lunch today, and leave.


Stay in school, kids.

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