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Overrated? I don't think I've heard anyone really talk about them at all. I was under the impression that they weren't that popular. I've seen them live. They are far from overrated.

I used to dislike them, but they eventually grew on me, and now their one of my favorite groups.



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Overrated? I don't think I've heard anyone really talk about them at all. I was under the impression that they weren't that popular. I've seen them live. They are far from overrated.

I used to dislike them, but they eventually grew on me, and now their one of my favorite groups.




You obviously are a hermit or live in an area where people don't listen to music that isn't Rap and/or Country.


They are hailed as saviors of the music industry because they released In Rainbows for free, when several artists have been encouraging downloads and/or giving away free copies for a LONG time before that.


Not only that, OK Computer and The Bends are hailed as the best music of the past twenty years. This is a problem because neither album is really that good. Interesting, yes and better than some other stuff released in their time- but nowhere NEAR the quality they're attributed.

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Overrated? I don't think I've heard anyone really talk about them at all. I was under the impression that they weren't that popular. I've seen them live. They are far from overrated.

I used to dislike them, but they eventually grew on me, and now their one of my favorite groups.




Live in an area where people don't listen to music that isn't Rap.


That would explain it.


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Yeah, basically anyone who listens to "alternative" music who isn't a huge hipster prick who consciously dislikes them because they're overrated will declare them to be the BEST BAND EVAR without fail.


I fall under the category of hipster prick who consciously dislikes them because they're overrated. Um, yeah.

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In the sense that people calling them saviors of music; yes.


In the sense of hits; Two-hit wonder, hard for that to be overrated.

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In the sense that people calling them saviors of music; yes.


In the sense of hits; Two-hit wonder, hard for that to be overrated.


They haven't had any big hits, Blur has more, and bigger, hits

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