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'nother Dream. Again.

Boogie Monsta


I don't remember much, but at the beginning I remember somewhere dark, then a restaurant. Then I went to New Horizons (the place where I do robotics, it's a governor's school/regional educational center), I guess for a robotics meeting, cuz lotsa other people from my team started showing up. Suddenly these two television screens pop out of nowhere (like GIANT ones, the size you can lay on). They were on stands like whiteboards. Suddenly all the seats started moving around, like they were trying to crash us into the screens. Me and Julia and Grant (another robotics guy, he's slightly crazy, but fun to be around) were at one set of desks, which ended up going out the fire exit door, and somehow being at the place my church retreat was at, and Grant disappeared. So me and Julia started walking, and I found this little strip of woods where you can fly. Well, actually more like gliding in Spore than flying, but still. So anyway, we glided out over the river and suddenly couldn't fly anymore, so we fell in the river, except it wasn't.. wet. It was just like normal swimming, just it didn't get you wet at all. We landed right next to a tugboat, which Grant was driving, and trying to run us down. I jumped on the boat, and *cough* gently persuaded him to stop until Julia got to shore, and then Grant and I sailed the boat somewhere I don't remember before I woke up.

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