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No Gun, Yet



I was going to carve out a cosplay gun on Monday out of wood, but realized I just don't have enough time before break is over to truly do a good job before the next con. (Nekocon.)

So I suspect I'll bring my Lego gun instead, which falls apart easily and I'll have to be careful walking around with it.

Ah, well. I'll make it over winter break and it'll be ready for Katuscon in February.


So instead, I have time to head over to my alma mater, considering I'm on break and all, to see my underclassmen (and a senior) friends. I'll also hang around and go to Anime Club afterwards! (Why does "afterwards" always come up as not-a-word (ie red lines under the word) in Firefox's spell check?)


In the morning I'm taking a trip to the local Lego Store in hopes I can get a job there for winter break, but I don't know if they'll need me the whole time I'm home. But if I leave soon after Christmas I'll just go work at the theater for a few weeks. Even though I said I don't want to buy any more Lego this year and I'll just put Takanuva on my Christmas list (and I do hope somebody gets him for me), I think I'll buy the Storm Trooper Battle Pack since I don't have any Lego Storm Troopers.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Computer programmers don't byte, they nybble a bit.


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