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Blood Unit Part The Third




Side Note: These characters "<" and ">" are like quotes, but used for COM transmissions so you can identify the AI (Italics and a color) thoughts (itallics) and regular speech without a COM (Quotations)



Blood Unit Part Three


(Rated PG-13)


Her metal armored feet clanked against the roof of the building she was running across. Behind her, there were several mercenaries en route, and they loved trying to kill her. Of course that was the point, and she really hated it. She jumped off the edge of this sand stoned building, and then landed on the one across from it while still running as fast as she possibly could.


"Come on! Kill it!" one of the mercenaries shouted to their gunner of whom was latched in a pod that was off to the side of the ebony colored ship.


"What do you think I'm trying to do? She's too friggin' fast!" He fired and blew apart the roof that had been right behind her feet. She stumbled forward, but caught herself and ran still. Her crimson armor was noticeable in the sunlight, and it was giving her information on her HUD as well as from the AI unit.


The problem was the fact that all she had was a magnum with one round left in the clip, not nearly enough to take out the entire ship itself, and it was catching up and their aim was improving. In short it wasn't a good day.


They got a lock! Her AI unit named Reese said, this particular one owned a male voice and appearance, and he did help in problems like this.


Well, that's just freakin' great! Julie responded, at this the Spartan III of whom was allowed the S-II armor and AI jumped down the crevice between two of the buildings, and hit the ground far below quite hard. The impact sent dust and dirt up into the air that obscurred the vision of the gunner who cursed. She on the other hand stumbled a bit, but began to run again.


<Julie, I would advise to take cover.> A familiar voice said over the intercom channel in her helmet. The voice actually relieved her, and surprised her at the same time.


<Jake? That's you right?> she responded as it did indeed sound like her old ally, and the fact that he always seemed to be in the right spot at the right time.


<Look to the building on your right, I'm not that hard to miss.> he responded chuckling a bit. She turned her head to do so and could see the seven foot five hulk of a Spartan on the building. Even in armor the guy looked like he could ram a building over with his bare hands. He was holding two rocket launchers along with that realization.


<I suppose I should get down then.>


<Yep.> Taking that answer pretty seriously she pretty much ran through a door to a nearby building, and then the hissing of several rockets could be heard. Then a loud explosion and a crash landing, the crash landing part took off the front of the building which rained debris all over the place. Now the local enforcement squads were made aware and they were immeadiatly on the scene all with some form of Battle Rifle aimed at Julie.


<Look away, or up.> Jake said over the COM, she did look up to just see the huge man pretty much fall out of nowhere. The impact he caused on the ground caused a mini crater, and now he was holding two fully operating turrets. She could only hold one, but this guy was strong like heck.


"Okay all of ya... I give you ten seconds to lay down your arms and to let us out, or I'll blow each and every one of you to bloody bits." Jake said in his low rumbling voice as he primed the turrets.


"Negative, fire." The commander of these enforcement squaders said in response, and they opened fire from their Battle Rifles. The Spartans' shields protected them from the bullets, and Jake began to dual fire with the turrets and tore that entire section of men along with the ground to utter pieces. The other half retreated; obviously they valued their lives.


"Now, let's get out of here." Jake said to Julie and dropped the turrets of which created a resounding Crash. He wore EOD armor, pretty standard among demolitionists, and she wore a ROGUE helmet along with a SCOUT chest plate and shoulder plates. It helped with her job, which was essentially long range firing and staying under the radar.


Julie followed pretty close behind Jake who had now resorted to a single rocket launcher, and somehow he fit the other one on his back along with a Spartan laser; this guy alone could like wipe out an army with this armament.


"The ship I own is behind the few buildings over there." he said pointing to a cluster of buildings with a crimson armored hand. "Didn't think you'd be around here actually, doesn't seem like your kinda town."


"Meh, there was food and I could stir something up." Julie replied.


"Still the same I see." Jake replied with mock disdain which was made rather obvious. That made Julie smile a bit beneath her helmet, she was the youngest of the Unit, but that didn't mean they excluded her from anything.


Jake was rather slow, but that was probably because of the mass of muscle he was, and the heavy arms he carried along with the armor; she was practically jogging to stay in pace. Soon however, they made it to the ship that belonged to Jake. It was essentially a modded over Pelican, but with more guns.


"You know where good ol' Jack is?" he asked her as she stepped into the vehicle.


"Nope, although I bet if you just turn on the radio or something you'll find his name in the news." It was more of a joke than a suggestion, but Jake figured that it wouldn't hurt and turned it on. The first few words that greeted them were;


<A red armored Spartan Two soldier had been noted on another planet, and was shortly fired upon by the UNSC. The soldier was reported dead, but their is no confirmation.>


"Hmm... you were right for once."


"Why, thank you ever so much."


"Well, let's get going then." Jake responded. He barely fit in the pilot seat, but was able to, and within moments the modded Pelican lifted off and headed for the atmosphere of the planet.


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Eh. Julies came onto the scene now, and I find Jake still isteresting. And I wonder what the "Red" thingy is... Have to read the next chapy.
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Yah, Julie was originally intended for such a form of group. At the time of her initial creation I was still thinking it through.


Annnd what red thingy may I ask?

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