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Knights Of The Online Republic

Danska: Shadow Master


So, it's official. Knights of the Old Republic III, or The Old Republic as it's called, is going to be a MMORPG.


I'm not entirely sure what to think of this. For me, KotOR has been a decidedly single player experience. I am the person tied up in the plot single-handedly saving the galaxy with lightsaber and force powers. It is me, or that character, upon which the entire fate of the galaxy rests. I am the centre of an epic, twisting plot with everything hanging in the balance. I matter.


In an MMO, I am one of thousands. That feeling of importance is completely gone. It is impossible for me to be that influential, because the influence must be shared amongst thousands and thousands of people cannot all be the epic hero of the age. How, then, can my role in the game ever hope to compare to what it was in the previous two games?


The plot was absolutely key to both games. It drew you in, slowly but surely, then right when you least expected it threw a massive bombshell at you which completely wiped clean your previous notions of the game, the characters and your entire purpose. It twisted and turned in many different ways, and was so, so in depth. Dozens of NPC characters prodded and poked at your history, the world's history, your party member's history and levered you into positions of influence and power not just to the major organisations, but of little people. On many occasions you have the power to make or break a person's life and it's these little things as well as the world-shattering events that made the games what they were. I shall never forget the first game where I had to conduct a murder investigation on behalf of a friend of one of my companions and not only gather the evidence, but actually act as the lawyer for the person.


I honestly don't see how they can implement everything into an MMO. Perhaps the micro-level elements, but the macro? How do you do that? The entire purpose of a single player game, ignoring side-quests, is to complete it. To reach the end, to kill the bad guy and restore peace (or your own reign of terror). The moment that happens in an MMO, the MMO is over and that can never happen. How can you possibly have a substantial plot for a game that can never end? Where can a plot go, except to wind itself further and further into loops and circles and whatever else? How can any plot work for thousands of players, and how can players who join later in the game's life hope to understand what is going on?


I am really apprehensive about this move. I imagine I'll get the game and play it to see what it's like, and who knows? Maybe I'll like it. It is being made by Bioware, after all, who are the only people who should be allowed near such a project with a twenty foot vibroblade. Perhaps there is hope after all - certainly there is from their announcements, but what else would they say? Any official announcement exists solely to make the game sound good, to encourage hype and eventually to get as many people as possible to buy the game.


Time will tell.


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I don't mind the move personally. They have said that this will be very much a story driven experience still. There is a very interesting article on how they plan to handle the story aspects on a gaming site. Every class will have it's own unique story arc, while there is also the main overlapping story arc of the war.

BioWare is careful to point out that, though the classes are relatively insulated from each other in terms of content, that there's the larger arc of the war between the Republic and the Empire above it all. Han and Luke each had their own agendas and priorities in the original films, but their stories intersected at key points in the larger story of the Rebellion. The designers of The Old Republic want to recreate that dynamic and use story elements to bring players from different classes together for these big moments.

Besides, it is BioWare, is there really anything to worry about in the story department. :P

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Ah, but I always take any such announcements from the developers with a pinch of salt. That's exactly the sort of thing fans want to hear, so naturally they're going to say that. How far it will be true when the game comes out I don't know.


But yes, it is Bioware. That tends to be a good sign.

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Yeah, I'm more upset, since I swore never ever to get addicted to an MMO. I tend to get addicted to games (particularly RPGs) and I get addicted to the internet pretty easily, so I just save myself the trouble by just never even getting started in the first place.


And then they come out with this.


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