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Guess What I Did Today! =d

The Fallen Amph


Yes. I talked to Amanda. Actually talked to her. Not just yelled her named. After 8 freakin' months It has been done. Wanna know how? Thought you would. Most of you will have to thank my now best friend in the whole wide world: Andrew.


After the past couple of days/weeks, Andrew has been telling me that he has been seeing her after school. I told him that, if he sees Amanda, to tell her to wait. The past attemt didn't end up right.


To be quick, I didn't change after Basketball (I needed my PE clothes anyway). I told Andrew what to do. He just said, "Yeah, yeah. I know". I got my stuff out of my locker (Which wasn't much since all I have for homework is practicing "Christmas Meledy" for a test on my violin) and went and sat outside at the table I was at on Friday.


I took my phone out of my pants pocket out of my backpack and set it on the table, and waited.


In my mind I was thinking, "He'll probably not find her, or mess up again". About 2-3 minutes later my phone was vibrating on the table. It was Andrew. I was think ing, "...Oh". I picked up.


- Hey

Dude, I have her next to me. We're coming out the front.

...Okay, good.

Where are you?

Um... I'm at the... uh, table in the front. You know.

Ok, bye. -

My heart started pounding incredibly fast. It was hard to stop myself from glancing at the door. I saw them. Come. Unfortunatly, though, she was with one of her friends. The small one with glasses, fortunatly (Not the one I know). I was just staring at my phone trying to look like I wasn't expexting her.


They came over. I was just hearing Andrew say as he was walking,"... He's just been annoying the c*ap out of me and I just want this to end!"


Before I say anything else, I'll just say that I did not see one negative look on her face. As she was walking up she looked curious. As she saw me, it seemed that she was growing a...grin? And she was smiling the entire time I was talking to her. Back to the story:


This what I said. Casually, as if I was talking to a friend.


Hey, do you think... like sometime tommarrow morning I can meet you, because I need to tell you something. I just want to do it tommarrow morning because I can see that you're leaving right now.

*Happily* Sure. You can just meet me by my locker. :)

Ok, sure. :)

It wasn't much... but I broke the wall. I whispered to Andrew after she and her friend left,"I'm sorry that I'm going to cuss but, you're the best *****ing friend in the whole freaking world!" His response was,"I know :P"


On they way home, Andrew told me what happened on his side (no negative signs either);


He got his stuff from his locker and saw her at her's. He went over to her and said,"Hey Amanda." She said, started, "What?" "Could you please come with me?" After a bit she said, "Where are we going?" He replied, "You'll see." Then that's when I saw her.


So that is it my friends. DEFINETLY more coming tommarrow.




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Guest kopakanuva13


That's awesome =D

It's great everything is working out for you, Amphilus =)


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