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Voting Is Nigh

Left Handed Moth


Well, today went better than I expected! :o

My first lesson was science, which is relatively boring with my teacher. <_< She taught us on mass, and how it is used in teachings of gravity. :blink:

English twice. The class was as noisy as a herd of elephants (herd?) and one girl thought Belgium was a city! :wacko: But other than that, everything went well. We imagined what technologies would be around in the next fifty years or so. I thought of small, fast robots in your bloodstream to help cure disease or something like that. :)

My friend got all scientific and said we humans (:P) would travel to another world with a ship the size of the world, and we would go through hyperspcace and have protective helmets from velocity. Scientific, but just not practical.

And then we had a nice big cake. Every Friday. I call it the frake. Then the students who wanted to be on the school counsel came up and told s why we should vote for them. One girl gave out candy just to add coolness to her speech. Needless to say, I hate candy.

Oh right, one thing I forgot. The contest is boring. I'll think of something new. ^^






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I would so vote for the presidential candidate that gave me candy! :)


But alas, none of them did, so I'll have to settle on voting about the issues. :rolleyes:

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Umm, Belguim is where my dad went a couple of years ago... I think he got me Keetongu from the huge factory there... But cake every Friday? At lunch, or just cuz'?

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