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Mizzy, Mech Suits, And..

Boogie Monsta


Yup, 'nother dream.


For the first part of this, which I don't remember much of, I was at some kind of camp, but like an awesome souped-up camp, with an arcade, a huge gym, a Wal-Mart, and a harbor with a cargo ship (the kind used in Jurassic Park 2 to transport the T-Rex), all in the grounds. At the camp was a whole lot of people who've been friends, associates, acquantances, and otherwise known by me. They were all in people form except Mizzy, who looked like Mctoran Takua with snow permanently sitting on top of his mask (probably originated from the banners he had when we first started RPGing together). I remember several other people I've mentioned here before, but I'll spare you that. So, first thing I remember vividly is a huge soccer field. Like twice or three times as big as a normal one. There were probably over 30 people on each team, and the coach looked like the coach from a Tonka game from by-gone years.. I think it was Search and Rescue. So me and Mizzy snuck out of the game (Oops, I just lost the game) early, because we were losing and getting fouled a lot. We went to Wal-Mart and bought some of those mushy-popsicles-in-a-clear-plastic-wrapping-sicles (the labels said 'Freezepop'), and look at the new Bionicle sets, which were somehow hanging on the sides of the aisles like hammers in hardware stores. I distinctly remember *black and green titan*, and I'm pretty sure there were other '09 sets, all in boxes. Too bad I couldn't have invisioned the canisters, been right, and hailed as a seer.. :(. Anyways, after that we went to the arcade, where we played *shudder* DDR and a Sonic the Hedgehog fighting game. I got bored of that, and found a door in the back of the place, which led to a tunnel with all-grey walls. Mizzy was cautious, but I climbed up some steps that were at the end of the tunnel. At the top was a grey room with nothing in it but two gray mech suits, human-sized, that looked like a cross between Optimus Prime, Wrack's newest mecha model, and Mata Nui. So I jumped in it/put it on (Mizzy was still unsure, I don't remember what happened to him after this part), and smashed the wall of the room open to reveal a balcony over the harbor. I vaulted off towards the ship, (it was a good 100 foot or more drop), and landed on the giant hold-door, which took up like the entire deck. I put a pretty sizeable dent in it, but the landing didn't hurt, the suit was made of something akin to protosteel. Suddenly all these shiny video-game-point-getting-type globes appeared far above the ship (like higher than the balcony). I vaulted up towards them, grabbed one, and plummeted back down, landing feet-first and using the impact energy to jump higher every time. By the time I got the last one, I was hundreds of feet in the sky, and saw the top of the arcade (which was probably taller than a high-rise, even though there was only 1 story of arcade). There was a platform sticking out from it over the harbor, made of the same all-gray stuff the building was. Iron Man was crouching on edge the building where the platform was. I tried to call to him, but realized that I was now falling back down, through the clouds, plummeting towards the ship. I lost control of my fall and slammed into the now-extremely-dented-cargo-bay-door side-first so hard that I bounced off, and the whole giant door disintigrated. (If you didn't know yet, it's horizontal on the deck of the ship, about a foot above the actual deck you walk on.) I landed on the deck, to see that there's a giant pool underneath where the door was, with all the people from the camp in it. So I jumped in, still wearing the (un-scathed, un-dented, and otherwise un-damaged, and apparently waterproof) mech suit, and saw some people from my church, who I spoke to. Then my vision started spinning, and that's all I remember.


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Well, apparently, Ironman didn't save you, so I guess that means he hates you...


...envisioning as a seer? I will laugh the day that you become as good as me. :nahnah:

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Schweet dream. :P Also, my absence is caused by school and busy weekends..I'll try getting back more, don't worry. Hopefully Swarm's still alive..

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