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O_o Yet Again

Takua the Wanderer


Since my massive pile of schoolwork seems to be clearing up (I hate freshman year :annoyed2:), I thought I might come back, but I think I'll postpone it a bit more... :fear:

Actually, on second thought, it's not clearing up at all. :lookaround:


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It never goes away. :bigeek:
Me or the homework? :???:

Well, I was talking about the homework, but you make a nice effort too.



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I know how you feel. I probably have more work than you or anyone I know of, besides the other people in my class.

Good to have you back with us, even for a short time, at any rate.



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I think we're in the same year. But yeah, you're probably right. Probably because of my bad work habits. :P


You're a freshman? Yep, same year as me.

Bad work habits? Eh, I can't say mine are perfect either, at least by my standards (which are pretty high).



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I have a tendancy to always put things off until the last second, which I think I'm actually starting to grow out of! :winner:


I heard sophomore year is kinda easy, though. :)


Same here! Though I'm not growing out of it very quickly. I do need to train myself to be more disciplined, and in fact I think no BZP for a while will help tremendously with that. BZP's the main thing that I use my time on (other than school). I come on too much. :lol:


Really? I dunno, but I haven't really heard anything about it.


On a random note, I gotta go to bed now, so g'night TtW. It was nice talking with you after so long.



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I thought that too, but my other interests are even worse. :lol:


Maybe it's just my school. >:)


:lol: That's also something I'm afraid of doing: getting really into something else, and thus having it take up too much of my time.


You go to public school? Private? Home-schooled?



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I almost never take up anything in the first place. :P


Public School. :)


Oh. So when you do then you get really into it (I assume)? :P


Hm. I thought most public schools were relatively easy... I wouldn't know, though.



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Exactly. Look at BZP. :P


From what I heard, I suppose they are. :shrugs:


Last year, yeah. :P This year, not so much (for you).


From what you've heard? You go to one (a public school)! :P



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Dude, a catholic private school near my house is so small, and so easy, that all of its 32 people in the eighth grade got straight A's, and half of them were EXTREMELY lazy. I knew a couple.

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